Where to bring a girl when your on a date?

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Hmm. I dont have a date myself.
Personally, i think. East coast after midnight. Stargaze on the break water. And talk about past problems or past touching moments. Strengthen the bond.
I loveeeee stargazing. Haha
Hmm. I dont have a date myself.
Personally, i think. East coast after midnight. Stargaze on the break water. And talk about past problems or past touching moments. Strengthen the bond.
I loveeeee stargazing. Haha

Geez, I have done that before... After prom... Haha, but it gets really cold in the night and if you aren't sleepy, it will be just fine. Pity you can't start a fire...
Hmm. I dont have a date myself.
Personally, i think. East coast after midnight. Stargaze on the break water. And talk about past problems or past touching moments. Strengthen the bond.
I loveeeee stargazing. Haha

this reminds me of a moment i had with my bf. the wee hour sea breeze. the stars. WOOO.
we overnight at sentosa and debate about differents issues.
like "why go girls stick with bf even though they get beaten" or "who makes a better president, a man or a woman?"
then we go about talking "why is the world round", why these why that.

its sooo fun. DEBATE DEBATE. but somehow ah, i realise guys always give in.

and oh.
go night safari lah! if she's afraid, guys can take chance and be a hero right?
one step closer yaw.
Its not the place that matters man, ultimately what you want is to spend some quality time with that particular person. I say long bus rides. Or bookstores so that if you do run out of things to say, you can pick a particular book/magazine/cd to talk about, you can even go to Toys 'R' Us. Also there's this awesome place at marine parade, kinda nice place to hang out at night. I've even gone on a date where we just hung out at the mrt station, (ofcourse eventually we went somewhere else).
you guys, are just not kinky enough.

try this on for style. go to a pub, chill out over a bottle of dom perignon, then break into a condo at 3am and skinny dip in the swimming pool.

has all the romance and all the kinky fun u can ever want. sex is not obligatory, but skinny dipping in a forbidden place and just talking can really relax you.

trust me. ;)
ah ya best la just go fengshan 85 market go order rou chou mian . or go simpang bedok makan. then just watch football together the whole night. most importantly is that you have each others company. isn't that the real way to go on a date. ahaha just to be with each other. *sings to be with you *
eh i think the guy must be able to entertain(not keeping quiet all the way) the girl and impress her.. if u're damn rich and bring to anywhere but u're boring then it wont work :S .. be talkative but not too talkative..flirt flirt a bit as and when something is worth flirting pops up. things will start to screw up if the girl gets bored when ure on a date..happened to my friend a couple of times.. and dont go too many places in a day.. try to stick to one area.. like if you wanna watch movie.. then after movie go shop a bit at the area or play pool or what.. then when sending her home can sit at her house there to chat and let your fingers do the walking and talking HAHA! i personally think if the guy owns a bike or a car then it would be much better.. u can like pick her up in the middle of the night for supper or to the beach for star gazing..
One time I was racking my brains out on where to bring my gf for our sixth monthniversary, and I decided to take her to 6 different places instead. Each place was like places of special memories, like first meeting first kiss etc. And I left her a card and a letter with a rose at each location to give her a clue to the next place. Kinda like Amazing Race haha. It took a lot of effort to time everything but it was marvellous when it all came off, had her in tears. Think all you need is a bit of creativity, and bravery to be unabashedly korean drama. LOL.
Rent DVDs, go your house watch. ^_^. Kidding!

A walk outside Esplanade? The view's romantic, and sometimes a nice walk and a nice chat is wonderful too, nothing too fanciful.:)

crozzfire...esplanade not nice already...now alot of consturction works...VERY NOISY...wat ur gf say also u cannot hear...must shout2...lolx!
I think best is your place or her place. For my place, we surf the net, watch dvds/tv, lie down on bed talking while cuddling, then you know.. After that smoke, have a drink, cuddle up, then lastly, sleep! Best place is home cause i can be in boxers only, no dressing up at all, so free!
One time I was racking my brains out on where to bring my gf for our sixth monthniversary, and I decided to take her to 6 different places instead. Each place was like places of special memories, like first meeting first kiss etc. And I left her a card and a letter with a rose at each location to give her a clue to the next place. Kinda like Amazing Race haha. It took a lot of effort to time everything but it was marvellous when it all came off, had her in tears. Think all you need is a bit of creativity, and bravery to be unabashedly korean drama. LOL.

OH MY GOD. I did that too... But I left out the roses at every venue and used my best friends to give out the clues. At the end, I sang a song for her with a guitar at the final destination and gave her 6 roses all at one go.

But she didn't break out into tears... She was touched though.

Now Í'm thinking of how to celebrate my one year anniversary with her though.
hahaha..yeah..i didn't know

what about you?

hahaha...you got BF right?

hahaha. yesyes :)
what we always do for monthsaries are different each time.
singapore zoo, botanic gardens to feed the Kois and taking a stroll, night safari, playing with firecrackers at siloso beach, watch dvds at home, having picnics (with diy food preparations, its fun that way), swimming, cycling at sentosa and east coast.

now all i want is to get on the flyer, eat 6 course meal in the cable car and go prawn fishing!!
If you're a vox, I think nothing beats writing a song for your gf and surprising her with it. Could try like, blindfolding her, ("where are we going?""don't ask so much la!") and leading her to a jamming studio where you surprise her with a performance of said song by your band. Heheheh.
One time I was racking my brains out on where to bring my gf for our sixth monthniversary, and I decided to take her to 6 different places instead. Each place was like places of special memories, like first meeting first kiss etc. And I left her a card and a letter with a rose at each location to give her a clue to the next place. Kinda like Amazing Race haha. It took a lot of effort to time everything but it was marvellous when it all came off, had her in tears. Think all you need is a bit of creativity, and bravery to be unabashedly korean drama. LOL.

aww thats really sweet man. if only i had a girl to bring out and do that.hahah damn sad life la. cheers to you mate!
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