Where to bring a girl when your on a date?

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New member
Where do u guys usually bring your dates/girlfriends?? other than the usual movie+dinner combo, cos im getting sick and tired of that, i need to find more interesting/romantic places to bring my dates too. anyone care to share any of their 'secret' date locations. haha.
Rent DVDs, go your house watch. ^_^. Kidding!

A walk outside Esplanade? The view's romantic, and sometimes a nice walk and a nice chat is wonderful too, nothing too fanciful.:)
see where you both stay,

and then find the MRT station furthest away from both places as possible. then get off and find something to do.
see where you both stay,

and then find the MRT station furthest away from both places as possible. then get off and find something to do.

That doesn't work. I have done that too...

If there's a thing Singapore lacks, it's definitely romance. I have already exhausted all forms of ideas... The zoo, ECP, Changi Beach, Ford Factory, Sembawang Park, WCP, Orchard, you name it and I'd have been there before.

Unless someone wish to inspire me and give me new ideas here? Heh.
Go fishing. Or visit the SG flyer at night. I was there during the inaugural flight. There were tons of food. Don't know about now though. I was there with the rich people. Lol.
anywhere peaceful is good. a place where u can listen to her talk.
like seaside/jetty/parks/beaches. alah,u get my drift. lol.

other than that. i'll agree w the dvd+my house combo. lol.
that beats the movie+dinner combo hands down.
other than that. i'll agree w the dvd+my house combo. lol.
that beats the movie+dinner combo hands down.

I honestly agree too. In fact, I think that's the best thing you can do. You can make out after the movie and no one will give a shit about you.

Not like when you're in a cinema where you can't even see your girlfriend's face.
Beach, but too bad its infested with peeps most of the time..
Parks, where you guys can walk or just sit and talk..
For both, you guys can rollerblade together, rent a couple bike, walk, or just immense yourselves in a surrounding atmosphere..
Go makan? Either a romantic place, or places like Seoul Garden where you can sorta "cook" for her..
Engage in small sports? Teach her how to bowl, or play pool? Don't be too pro, show her some skills, but don't overwhelm her and boast your ego..
Shopping! Women enjoy shopping, so you gotta learn to enjoy it with em..

It doesn't matter where you bring her, or what you did with(/to) her :rolleyes:, but the way you go about doing it!
Be romantic, but don't look gay doing it.. :mrgreen:
i thought teens are rather sexually active nowadays?

lol. thats a sweeping statement. but i gotta agree to that.

anws..i've always loved the idea of movies in the car. like those old school movies/shows. watch a movie on a big screen in a car. its like so COOL! haha.
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