Where have all the bassists gone??

I remember there was once I jam and I was playing with one Bassists...this bassist is very different from others I've play with....He stands besides my drum - look at me smilingly - and he was doing something (very nice playing the Bass - like challenging me the drummer - I wonder why??? - My other band members look at me...smile and say - Hey ! He is "Fighting You" ... it was nice...not in a sense of real fight but it boost me to drum better and together we GROOVE.eeeeeeeeeeeee. This is a good Bassists to have.
The reason why young people are not taking up bass because they do not know that such an instrument exist.

Behind the flashy guitarist is a slient bassist behind the band concentrating on his importance so much that the limelight gets taken away by the frontlines of the band (vocals & lead guitarist).

The disproportionate amount of people taking other musical instruments compared to the bass reflects how the society has lowered its view on the importance of the bass on its contribution to the overall music of the band.

The bass can be played in so many ways, the possibilities are endless which make it one of the hardest instrument to learn in terms of its flexibility in complementing to different types of music.

Furthermore bass lines are the background of a portrait. The watercolours used to paint the lines must be used to complement the overall beauty of the picture. This makes it difficult to gauge what colours should be used for the background of the music before the middle of the picture is painted. By right, the background should be painted before the middle to prevent smudging. In all metaphoric sense, the bass hardest to play as it is dependent on the quality of the band.

How many people are willing to take the step back for glory to stay as an supportive part of the band by providing the right "background"?

I did, and my friends didn't decide to form a band afterwards, it is very hard to progress as an individual without the whole band mechanism working together to improve the rhythm and flow of perfecting the bass.
warwickw and yes I need a Bassist for a New Band - I already got all the other players.....Jamming is 2 to 3 times a month in the night.....

Already got Kang-Tow to gig ... we were ask to gig last week - but too bad we are not ready - because it's my Band Leader's friends club.

PS I'm new to Jazz Music.
+1 to AverRal's post. not many people also know what the heck a bass is. they just refer to the bassist as: the guy with the bigger guitar. *slaps forehead*

In the case of my band, since we're a trio I try to let my bassist play something interesting or let him be at the forefront of the band, but that's not always possible especially when we do AC/DC covers :oops:

Him being the more 'physical' image is especially important because if and when we gig, I'll be standing there playing guitar and singing.. being a static object most of the time. How I wish I could jump around all the time.

But yeah, I'm thankful he's a very cooperative guy and he knows how to anchor down the bottom end groove and melody, which is just so important in any band situation.

That said, I wish more kids would look upon their instruments with a sense of musicianship rather than trying to look 'cool'. Yeah sure, playing in a band is cool, but if the music isn't there then no point. I've lost count of girls who tell me their boyfriends are in bands, and how 'cool' they look.

How come can't they say how 'great' they sound? hmmm :roll:
cuz they wouldn't know any better. anyway, today's an mtv generation. we listen with our eyes as well. so how anyone can say that image don't play a part?

anyway, that was sidetracked. i love bass! it's the only thing i can tap to, it makes me wanna bounce and it's groovy as heck -)

where have all the good bassists gone? maybe they're waiting for the rest of their ego-centric band members to catch up :)
i absolutely agree!!

one of the biggest perks of the job is that i get to jump around on stage all the time when we play shows!! hahahaha
:lol: :lol:
i also believe that bassists need to step it up abit and play not just the bass parts, but also the melody to the song. because no song is complete without both parts. the bass is a beautiful instrument with so many possibilities that many people don't bother to explore, satisfied with being merely a band member rather than a bass player

That's the wonder of having a 6 or 7 stringer =)

urthermore bass lines are the background of a portrait. The watercolours used to paint the lines must be used to complement the overall beauty of the picture. This makes it difficult to gauge what colours should be used for the background of the music before the middle of the picture is painted. By right, the background should be painted before the middle to prevent smudging. In all metaphoric sense, the bass hardest to play as it is dependent on the quality of the band.

I think most important for bass is to have presence... ie give that round full sound to the band and make make it sound majestic (at least for pop)... Style of music also determined by the bassist, we can make it sound shuffle / latin / r&b etc though the drummer plays a simple straight 4 beat. So infact bassist do control the style of music.

one of the biggest perks of the job is that i get to jump around on stage all the time when we play shows!! hahahaha
Really a skill to jump around and play bass, my back will break first haha...
"I think most important for bass is to have presence... ie give that round full sound to the band and make make it sound majestic (at least for pop)... Style of music also determined by the bassist, we can make it sound shuffle / latin / r&b etc though the drummer plays a simple straight 4 beat. So infact bassist do control the style of music."

Ok, sorry but that statement needs correction. If a drummer is to play a straight groove, the bassist will have problem shuffling...simple reason: A straight groove is in subdivisions of 2s and 4s whereas shuffle or swing is in subdivisions of 3s and 6s. The biggest problem with inexperienced bassists and drummers is that they tend to understand shuffle and swing as dotted quavers and semi-quavers....

Now, no individual instrument controls the style of music! Every instrument plays an equal part! Even in grooving! If your guitarist is swinging in 3s and 6s while you interpret swing/shuffle as dotted quavers+semi-quavers...the 2 of you will not be able to play together properly....
Actually i meant like the drummer plays like a drum machine (click click click click) to keep the time, we play the style we want, the rest will most probably follow.
i feel my bass style shifts from the different needs of the song. there are some songs that are invariably. guitar led, drum led, or bass led. and this variety leads to some really interesting songwriting choices and arrangements.

i think there are also good bassplayers. and good bassplayers within a band. sometimes the band brings out the best in its players, and sometimes the players bring out the best in the band. make sense?

in a way, playing bass has broadened my attitude to music because it forces me to think of arrangements and when not to overplay, when to step back so that someone else can step up. and sometimes you also hear basslines that are so prominent that you have to step up and take the shot.

we bassplayers are just as susceptible to fall in to the same trap of placing waaayyyy too much importance over our instrument, but i think the nature of our roles helps keep our attitudes in check.

i still have mad respect for my fellow guitarists and drummers who have adopted a similar mentality and are a joy to play alongside. -)
fantastic post litford.

i agree with you. i love to play with people who know their roles well. it just doesnt seem right when the guitarist just powerchords/solos his way through every song and not give space and play less. or when drummers try to 'overgroove' by filling in too much and fight for attention.

when this shi* happens, i cant seem to find my space and groove as a bassist. it just becomes crap.

worse still when they play with no feel. no tension/release, the song is just the same throughout. i really wish these people will start to learn.
wow very insightful posts there, :D

i have to agree with most of you, Ken, Alvin, 3notes, the bass scene in singapore lacks recognition and respect in many ways.

personal experiences: while writing an original for a class, a guitarist told me to play ROOT notes and said me playing off the 4/4 crotchet rhythm would eat into the vocalist's line. the original was in a "pop/softrock" genre base, and i had many ideas to contribute.
there was no drummer. i.e. he wanted a driving bassline like a malmsteen/punkrock bassist kinda thing, playing the same note on and on, while he shredded away.
he got REALLY peeved when i started playing the thirds and others to connect the chords. HE wanted to connect the chords by sustaining his shrill off-pitch note. he even thought that in a Dm Cm Dm Cm progression, holding the Dm chord would suffice throughout the Cm chord (while everyone else was playing Cm he'd just sustain his Dm). Any musician would know this is not part of Pop music songwriting.

another experience: a bassist i know refuses to play jazz. yet, he listens to US pop music of the 70s, which incorporate walking and jazz chords, such as the jackson 5. Is jazz THAT hated? it may be boring to a few, but we should all remember: THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO LEARN.

and yes, many of those that i have taught do not look at the bass as an instrument that can harmonize with the others, or play melody lines. they look at the bass as "the easiest instrument to play and look cool and be accepted in the band that my friends wanna form". (i hear lots of you going EUGH and wtf*) but it's true. listen to some J-rock! listen to some progressive music of the 90s! listen to some fusion jazz! turn off the damned radio (u can't hear bass on radio, it sounds more like a 3rd guitarist playing his lowest string!) and go to the CD store!
yeah,they're good coz they're easy to listen,but if you want to find those songs that's musically 'chim'...you have to go beyond radio my friend
Yup I agree, but pop may sound simple as it is, but difficult to sound unique and different arrangements.

I admire hindi pop, though I only heard a few songs, but they're rather cool stuff :)