where did u get posted to?

DoubleBlade said:
anyways my fren's bro once told me that there a lot of politics involved in the FSV.

This trend extends to all courses at all polys...not just FSV @ NP. Its a kind of poly thing u know....anyway in real life u will work with people u hate so learn to live with it
Satch... RP arh? Cool sia.

Anybody else posted to Republic Polytechnic? Maybe can create a soft.ig =/

*.ig stands for Interest Group, like a CCA. So for example if I like Mac's, it's be Mac.IG.
hehe..in a few year's time...the question would be.."Where are you posted to? Tekong? PA? Jalan Bahar?"

aiyar, just come RP, new school, fresh feel, still school. so what if cut off point high? still school...not like the cut off point means its a good course...there are good courses which has very shocking cut off point what...come rp coz its the most happening poly. trust me for that...u guys will have lots of music exposure...pulse and epic ppl from our school. many gigs around and you'l learn to love the ccas. then you'll learn your modules without exams. the monthly test are like open notes...you won't fail unless you skip lessons often :) u can get high gpa then your friends who slog like mad dogs. you'll be the winning bitch while the others leave their tongues out panting...trust me ;)
RP should hire you for their advertising campaign.

The first year is -absolute- slack. don't know about second though. heard it gets a little tougher.
GrimBrody said:
hehe..in a few year's time...the question would be.."Where are you posted to? Tekong? PA? Jalan Bahar?"

hahaha.. yes.. :lol:

school 1? school 2? leopard? sispec? 1sir?

ahahaha.. :twisted:
jeremyrozario said:
next time i go army i want to drive mercedes, haha, so slack

LOL.Bravo all the way.
Driver? hmm...count urself lucky if you get that vocation..
i foresee....
many sispec and OCS possibilities.... :twisted:
in mi honest opinion, and not to brag, i definitely tink i got the leadership qualities to become an officer, but i'd rather be a slacker driver, and be bossed around by an incompentent officer, ahhahaahahahahha
xxjerryxx said:
eh... this thread.. go haywire liao.. haha.. not towards the topic at all

haha, anw today i get to haf a peak at who mi future coursemates, coz 2dae i got sum briefing, coz dunno wad nonsense, bioelectronics and electrical and electronic engineering share e same course code during JAE
ay? got such thing one ar? NYP sent me a letter saying that they will send me a package.. but until now i still havent recieved anything.. sian..
DoubleBlade said:
Frummer said:
heng i applied during the period lei!hahahaa...

damn if La Salle SIA would reject me earlier i might still get a shot at the DAE!!!! :evil:

i actually LOL-ED!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reject u earlier?...that cracked me up man for some reason... :P