when everything becomes the same


New member
it's down to how you present it.

like a can of drink. there can only be this many flavours. so it's down to packaging.

ditto for music these days.

when all original compositions are suspects of copies and plagiarism, it's all down to arrangement.

i used to admire good musicians who play and impress. then i shifted my gaze to song writers who can string innocent notes to form captivating melodies.

but good playing musicians and songwriters (self proclaimed or reknowned) are plenty, and good arrangers are few, and they're like walking musical dictionaries whom are able to bridge to the layman; package the music so that it's always new to the listeners.

and of course, set new standards and push the edge.

what kinda musician do YOU admire?
A great song is born when the Composer, Arranger & Musician work together.
If not,
when you happen a hear a good songs with great tunes/melodies but so-so arrangement, you will think..."it will sounds better if here arranged like that..."
You may happen to hear a good songs with good melody/arrangement, but the performer can't deliver the ideas of composer & arranger (or the performer's skill not able to perform the complicated part of the song),
you will also dissapointed...
a performer (eg.pianist) is great, but don't have good piece for him/her to perform, that will be a waste also...

For me,
I respect those composer who can come up with greate tunes.
When more than 1 version of same song available, I will start comparing the arranger/peerformer for each versions.
But normally,
a good arranger can make a so-so song become alive.
but it the arrangement is rather complicatedd,
then a good skiil musician will be required.

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