What's your WORST habit?

Ehm back to topic, I used to be a smoker when I was in Pri. 6 and Sec. 1, but kinda quitted during early Sec. 2, thanks to a very very very inspiring counsellor. I'm a healthy Sec. 4 now lol. :D:D
good on ya!
smoking is bad.
its like suicide, but slower and more expensive.

and fresh air for women!
who cares about the men lolol.
Kissing a few heavy smokers' lips have been the most disgusting experiences in my life!

No girl smokers for me PLEASE!!

hecklerkph: brader ...all yours, we all soft bros must share and share alike ...

ariverderci vicko :cool:
If I ever have to put one up on the personal ads section, it'd read something like this -

Male on the right side of 30 (Aka no girls below 20 please, I aint no cradle robber)
With porcelain skin (Aka pasty and will burn and not tan)
Youthful face (aka babyface with some babyfat)
Tall (if I am surrounded by midgets or hobbits or chimpanzees)
Humourous (aka talks a lot of crap all the time)
Financially stable (I can afford to keep my monthly handphone bills lah, at least)
Kind (only to people who can stimulate me visually or intellectually)

So, based on the first criterion Vicki's application have to be rejected liao. 16 too young lah.

But Vicki sounds like a really nice girl lah. Dime - be good to her k?

wah i feel like a beach ball now.
pass here pass there.
please throw me over to someone hot, smart, rich, tall, nonsmoking, and single pls ty.