Whats Your Preferred mp3 Bitrate?

Used to be 256kbs but nowadays 192kbps as there are space contraints and come on, if I wanted it good --> cd.

128 sounds ... well... not too good lah.
320 if im ripping a friends Disc or my own.

at leas 192 if i download.

yes 128 doesnt sound very good hurhur
majority of my songs are in 128 and 160, though I lean towards 160 and 192 to make my ears happy. :lol:
128kbps. my ears not sharp enough to hear significant differences between 128kbps and 160kpbs, but my eyes can, file size increase so much lol.

but thats only me..
i can hear quite a lot of difference between a cd quality and a 128kbps mp3 thats y i dun like 128's....

as for 160, its hard for me to hear any significant diff unless its some symphonic orchestra thingy with a wide range of instruments and pitch. so 160 is good for me for normal rock songs... no matter how complicated and bassy or treblily they are, 160's ok...

192 however, is quite solid and i really can't hear the diff between it and cd, so i think my hearing's limit is at 192kbps mp3s... i'd choose this if i had a lot of space in my HD...

320 is the ultimate killer... but i don't have 20GB+ mp3 player so... haha no use... my earphones and ears aint that great anyway...
128 is my bare minimum.
anything below that and it's all fuzz and static.
but cd quality is still the best imo, 1411kbps
It depends what speakers you are using. If you use ear plugs, 128 is good enough.
Headphones can tell the difference between 128 & 192.
Studio Monitors can hear a huge difference between 192/256 and from the actual CD.
128Kbps is what i go for, anything below that i just delete, purely sounds horrible.... but usually 128 to 196, other than that too big...
yeah it's best around 160 - 192kbps. yet some most rare mp3s are found in 128kbps. so.. i'll make do with that and use my imagination enhance the quality haha.

128kbps swishing/flangerish sound is more obvious on the high hats etc.

but still depends on how the person encoded it.
there's a maximum bandwidth setting (some ppl set it to 15500hz) when some of us can listen up to 18000 - 19000hz

and the stereo encoding image of "Mid-Side Joint Stereo" , "intensity joint stereo" and "allowing narrowing of stereo image" (as referenced from my DAW when saving as mp3) all these play a part.

p.s : for those of you youngsters who saw an ad about "Get the ringtone that adults can't hear! 17000hz!!!" thats what i'm talking about. although i still find it bullcrap because ppl who take care of their hearing (don't expose themselves to loud noises or club loads) or wear ear plugs when necessary would get to keep their inborn microphones in the skull maintained.

50¢ worth
oh before I forget, don't just watch the bitrate. let your ears do the judgement.
some idiots out there download 128 kbps and re-encode them as 256kbps or somethin.

then you'll hear the swishing sound.

and i'm sure this discussion will lead to .wma etc

my opinion for .wma is it's smaller, takes more memory consumption. and that "swishing" sound is worse than mp3's. only ideal for ppl goin' on a jog with their mp3 player or something.

and while i'm at it, as for those of you who heard about mp3pro. basically what it does is abit like .wma but better, but seldom ppl use it. (no hardware mp3 player support and needs an extra installation codec)

for example : i have a song in wav. I encode it at 128kbps MP3 [4.08mb]. then I save as another copy at 96kbps MP3PRO [3.02mb]
here's the catch, if I play 128kbps mp3 in windows media player. it's fine. but if i play mp3pro, it actually plays like 96kbps mp3 which sounds like crap.
so what I do for example, if I install the thomson mp3pro decoder into my winamp. and I play the very same 96kbps mp3pro. the decoder will make up the loss high frequencies and turn the 96kbps mp3pro to sound as good as 128kbps mp3! but the catch is, it takes more memory to run.

so the pattern goes, encode at 96kbps mp3pro, sound like = 128kbps
encode at 80kbps mp3pro , sound like = 112kbps. etc etc. end of the day, the file size is smaller. before you start converting your mp3s/.wmas to mp3pro, you're better off leaving them as it is.

hope this is useful info.

another 50¢ worth.

256 for me because I'm an audio quality freak.

I also use WAV format to record and store music. Pwns all other formats.
You should try a better lossless format like FLAC, WavPack, Monkey's Audio or Apple Lossless for storing music... might save you quite a bit of disk space in the long run!

As for me, I use the LAME encoder at --preset standard, or 128kbps AAC. The LAME-encoded MP3s give a more natural/open sound compared to AAC (which I actually prefer) but for listening on my iPod, you can't really tell when you're on the move.

And when I record... I stick to WAV, because at least I know any software I use will know how to read it.