Whats the average age group of SOFTIES!!!

Oh damn we'v got a 13 yr old kid in here!!! Ahhhh!!!
I'm not lahhhhhh. -_- But there ARE 12-13 yr old SOFTies in here. BUT IM NOT LAH. :cry:

ixora: okay i shall take pity on you. "I pity you!" =\
Mr_Bear's self-delusional. LOL. okay lah since you want to be 18 so badly. And yes yes, fine, you can think I'm 13. Whatever makes you happy alright. :lol:

AND IM OUT OF HERE. Goodnight people! =)
pepper- said:
pooo: :smt116 (the emoticon too cute!) cute hor, eman? hahaha

Wth?! 8O

You seem to have really started to think you're 13 from all the claims. God bless you! :lol:
Why me again? *glares at eman* stop being a bully. I'll stuff lizards down your throat. =\

=( I'm sleepy. So yeah, goodnight and have fun with one another. And I'm definitely 16 and extremely sweet. Sweet pepper. =) LOL.

Dont listen to pooo. he doesn't make sense, he just talks. He's jealous that I'm sweet and he's not sexy. LOL