Whatlah! wanna hang out!


New member
Hey guys,

whats your say about a hang out party at some beach or park in Singapore, Just simply playing guitar, playing cajon etc. and talk bout music scene in Singapore, how we can make it better. or anything!

Of cause, theres drinks , food , and many more. Cameramans , Videomans etc.

Give us your ideas here. And have a rough gauge on who's going. If little response, we shall drop this idea :)

Cheers to the people!

Whatlahproject.com :)
Plannings will be done by me and the crews.
So if theres a huge response to this thing, then we can hold it in after september.

But of cause, theres some gigs along the way for us to mingle around and make more friends.

So lets get tha' ball rollin'!

1) Raman ( Organizer must go )

ya know what to do.

Ps : to add on, I was thinking of a gig in a chalet bangalow. LOL!
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great idea, I think i get everything confirmed, then everybody will come. LOL! this thread is like a ghosttown. LOL!
I was thinking of a hanging out day at baybeats.

Who wanna get along and know more people?

Lets go baybeats together!!!!!