What radio station u listening to nowadays?

same here, listen to class 95 in the morning because of the jokes they cracked, not because of the music :lol:
I feel for 987fm!~ :)

Hitz.fm too .
Internet radio too. Those amateur djs talking :)

PSsstt..~ A new station will pop by anytime soon. :) on the local airwaves that is. :)
jiu qi er, zhui ai ping dao!

haha no la

most of the time i listen to the stations on the itunes radio menu. they rock btw..
Perfect 10,Power 98,sometime GOLD 90 and itunes radio,mostly metal and hard rock radio channels.Most of the time I would try and dedicate local bands songs on Perfect 10 and when I'm stuck in the school com lab at night,I would try at stream Perfect 10.Or if there's no useable computer around like the animation room,I would use my Zen Neon 2,to tune into the radio and plug it in to computer speaker in the animation room.