What kind of effect to play like this?


New member
Hi pple, just listened to a rather unknown black metal band called Choronzon - surge of blood. Anyone heard them before? any idea what kind of effects is needed to emulate the very "distorted" sound of their guitar? also not sure what i am talking about also :) hope this song is not too unknown
Apart from the normal distorted guitar in the rhythm, there's a 2nd layer of modulation (some phaser set on v low timing) and a fuzzy type of distortion.. I think the "distorted" effect has something to do with the clashing notes and a type of reverb/ambience that has been applied to the whole song, instead of just using a distortion pedal and setting it to high distortion.. A very scooped metal muff could probably achieve something similar.
it's a combination of mic'ing techniques and room ambience with a possibly modded 5150 amp