What is she using?


New member
Hi :)

I refer to this video of KT Tunstall. YouTube - KT Tunstall - Black Horse And The Cherry Tree

The thing she uses records what she sings or does on the guitar, and it loops. I really like the way she layers her music, and i was wondering if such a device is available here, and at what price:)

is it a pedal? can it be used as a standalone (sorry i am not familiar with electric pedals... whenever i see one, its always connected to another pedal or something and finally to the amp)
my sis showed me this video. VERY VERY COOL!!!!
i'm not sure how she did it. anybody willing to enlighten us?
its one looping device. i think...there's a pedal for it. forgot what isit. once did a research on it.

pros enlighten us?
apparently, it's a loop pedal. if i'm not wrong, its an AKAI E2 Headrush. its kinda cool though. can loop so many tracks. i was amazed by it...

here's a pic

have fun.
if u noticed in the video, she taps the right button for record. then tap the left button for play. she did it for the slapping of the acoustic guitar first, then the cymbals, then her voice. should be quite obvious to spot...
ok... hmm i just did a crazily random search on every keyword i could associate with her performance...

looks like she is using a loop pedal. some ppl on youtube think she is using a Line 6 DL4 loop pedal.

Can pros confirm this! aha thanks loadsss....

and how much are these things?
hey guys thanks so much for replying...

just knowing that the pedal is called loop pedal helps in finding loads of info on it, even here on SOFT!

if you want to know more, just search for these terms in the search box
loop pedal
akai headrush e2
line 6 dl4

that will get you somewhere :)

if you want a delay+looper, consider the boss DD-20 and Line 6 DL4. DD-20 has 22 secs of looping(i think) and DL4 has 14 seconds.
Kerplunk182, what do you think abt the akai headrush e2... its selling at sinamax for i think $340.

Also, can i expect this to work well : guitar and microphone connected straight to the pedal then to the amp?
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if its really selling for 340 at sinamex, dont wait liao. 340 is a really, really goot price..

i have the first version of the headrush and some other couple loopers. Outta the box, Headrush is a really easy to use looper and the delay in it is pretty decent. The interesting thing about this pedal if just using for delay purposes, is the 4 output at the back, but most most of the time, these 4 output wont be use unless you wanna play with 4 amps at the same time

the pedal take only one input at a time, unless you have a mixer of somesort to combine instrument and mic then connect to the pedal, if not, there be only one input.
PatheinRaindropMoe, if i cant afford a mixer, are there alternatives?

For example, can i use a two-head connector? Then i'd control just the guitar volume from the builtin guitar mixer, and overall volume with the amp volume knob.

thanks lots