From the way I see it personally, it's just like quibbling between an American and a mainland Chinese.
Levan is obviously living in a different world and speaking a 'different language', a language which some people don't understand and thus can't relate to, leading to miscommunication and unnecessary hurt feelings.
Saw that video and I think there is no real intention to hurt because it is a kind of humour that only Westerners, and the MTV generation understand. It definitely doesn't compare to saying "KNNCCB" like we locals do, when we are really pissed.
Yes, it is obvious Levan is frustrated with James but deep inside me, I'd wish he'd express it with more attitude and fire, to show he really means it. He doesn't seem to be as eloquent in real life as he is in his posts, and he seems to be holding back when he said the things he said on the stage.
Anyway, I think this kind of thing is no surprise lah. Life sure got funny and colourful characters, otherwise not life already. Just grin and bear it lor. Life sure got petty people. Just ignore and move on lah..
For what make a molehill out of a mountain. Or is it the other way round? :mrgreen:
C'est la vie.