what guitar ta buy fer a budget of $2.3k

:wink: penguin knows his stuff.

fellow softies, we can discuss stuff without getting into a heated discussion. let us not simply undermine each other's arguments, but rather convince the other party of your views.

i know it's easy to slip and let loose words which may seem degatory by others. i have personally done it before and i am regretful of my actions. have since apologized... i realise that is a step back in progress and only serves to hurt.

no harsh words are required, and we can become more knowledgeable at the end of the day. :)
wanna talk abt custom den ill refer u to the custom 8 string bass that fretless6 has commisioned GIM guitars to do for him. well well well.

re: brother pentationic --> its a guitar. not a bass .

third,lets say i make a guitar from crappy material, assemble and put in my own specification,what im doing is CUSTOMISING the guitar...so when the guitar is ready,its a CUSTOM guitar, no matter how CRAP it is,do you understand that?or you have other definition of CUSTOM?

re brother reyrey: if i am not mistaken , custom shop allows u to design your dream axe. fender and gibson included. e,g nut width , particular neck type / body wood etc etc. Its as good as having a signature model built for yourself based on what you want in a guitar

chill k ? after all , its just a discussion what , dun need to be sarcastic and scornful
haha. i wasnt the one who called the other dumb. i put input for the guy cos he asked wat he can buy with 2.3k but a certain person comes along tells me he can get a custom fender for 1.6k. wtf u cant even get an american strat for 1.6k unless ure talking abt the highway 1 series. how much more u think a CUSTOM fender would cos. n about ur views on custom, u r an ant in ur thinking cos u limit the design of ur 'custom' to something which can be bought in spare parts. wat a joke. u may mock me but u noe whos thoughts r inferior.
ok,saying dumb is my mistake,i apologise,im not saying it to you anyway,'that's dumb' and 'you're dumb' is two diff thing mind you

but for the custom fender,u think every custom fender must be MIA? i can just take the body of some old fender and some jap fender neck,assembled it together with other accessories that i bought,its a custom fender already what...it may not be as good as fender MIA,but if its good enough,why not?you CAN fork out 3-5k to make a superb guitar,but to make a good custom,1.6-2.5k is enuff...fender custom that is
i didnt limit my view of custom,i only said that you dun need big money to make a custom guitar,like what brother penguin have said,you can get a custom in thailand for less than 1k,his statement support mine,now now,dun try to add some false statement,i think you have difficulties in understanding my statement...
what you think of a custom guitar is that all the parts must be imported from USA...thats y the price hiked up like hell,you can change some of the parts like the body,instead of using wood from USA, u can change to asian wood,cheaper and suit the climate better...
i'm ant in my thinking? oh,so you're saying that you're really good is it? yeah,i admit that im not good but i dun put those bullshit remark like 'you're ant in your thinking...blablabla' to someone
i did not mock you,what i did is only ask you a question and state my oppinion,did you see ur name being mentioned in my previous post? please mind your sentences,they are full of false accusations
lol ... 2.3k ? if u put it in some unit investment stuff thingy ... mayb in 50 years time u can have the $ to get a PRS =) >?
spike...i jsut came down to sweelee today,why dun u try the washburn N2? the bill lawrence pickup really has something to offer and its only 699$ [original price is 1.2k$]
a reverend slingshot? i don't have the $ to get a reverend guitar but i do think they're pretty good guitars with interesting technical designs. psst.. empty71 is the distro. 8)
reyrey said:
but for the custom fender,u think every custom fender must be MIA? i can just take the body of some old fender and some jap fender neck,assembled it together with other accessories that i bought,its a custom fender already what...

actually, it's not a custom fender. it's a modified fender.

a custom fender implies that fender custom-made it. here, you are taking a fender and modifying it; fender is not custom-making you a guitar.

therefore, modifying an existing fender guitar is not enough to make your guitar a custom fender.

+1 to Reverend. they make good guitars at really good prices. i'd back the Musicman guitars as well. Musicman makes some amazing guitars.
serial ninja, enough about the custom fender thing, some people has have argued over it... dont try ta add anymore fuel ok? And yeah, musicman rocks too, only those really highend models...
spikes said:
serial ninja, enough about the custom fender thing, some people has have argued over it... dont try ta add anymore fuel ok? And yeah, musicman rocks too, only those really highend models...

ehhhhh not adding fuel or provoking. just clearing up the definitions, that's all. i have no interest supporting one side or the other, but people need to understand what it is they're trying to argue. if they don't understand what, for example, a custom fender is, then of course they're gonna end up saying something that appears ridiculous.

i could buy a honda and replace the stock rims with something nicer, but if i tried to say that makes my honda a custom honda, that's just absolutely ridiculous. see what i mean? in order to make sense, one must first understand that a custom honda is a honda that Honda custom makes for me from the ground up. not a honda that i just pick up and modify here and there.

dats de whole thing i was arguing about but i guess some pple didnt understand me but no matter. hey spikes. my take is to invest in a gd guitar. but another aspect ive discovered after buying expensive guitars is to have a gd amp. this is just something to consider. but a guitar which u r most comfortable playing is of utmost importance. id still go with my recommendation of trying out the music mans. they can be found at sinamex. worth every dollar u dish out.
let's try to see someone that we know,like kx,he bought a custom sg for 1.8k,there you go...a real example and its bellow 3k

btw, +1 to the musicman,i agree with that

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