orange boss- distortion something something maybe perhaps could be somehow somewhat
white boss- noise supressor(extra share power hole beside the usual 9v jack)
green boss- pn2 tremolo/pan
black boss- rv series reverb delay
yellow pedal above orange boss- DNA mr 8 power supply
either a choppy tremolo effect with muted strings/chord or delay with short timing
imho, i choose tremolo, where the trem pedal is capable of square wave style or other wave form other then sine wave.
Remember to mute the strings and strike the instrument. Do not let your notes ring out. The effect will do its thing of "tremolo-ing" the muted chords/string and give that similar vibe as in the video.
The first pedal looks more like a Boss OD-3 Overdrive.
The lighting makes it look more orangey like a DS-1/DS-2 I think.
The 2nd one is a LS-2 Line Selector with its green LED.