what do you work as?


New member
so...i became curious what my fellow softies do for a living. those who are working part time while studying can also list down. i dont wanna make a poll, cause it'll be too general.

me, studying while working at airport baggage sorting section.
still studying, but for this hols i'm prolly gonna earn money by doing photoshoots.
used to work as a dog show steward and assistant dog trainer.
I'm still schooling, working part-time as tutor.

Anyone wants tuition for themselves or people they know of? :D
and since i am bored
i work as a retail assistant,but on a contract basis
Carrefour textile department
theunknown: True, bank pays good money and all.Depends on which dept u work in. I work in the ops dept. Everyday doing same thing again n again. Quite stagnant. Overworked n underpaid. Some more got crappy office politics. Oh well. My mind is made up..hahaha..:P
Don't you just hate those auntie auntie types who always slack at the pantry and gossip gossip gossip....

If they're your superiors its worse....kanna nag also cannot shoot them back
wow thats pretty cool fenderrules, for awhile i wanted to go into the military to do that but i didn't like the methods used.
has things changed since the days of choking = the answer to all problems?
I m gonna start a new job tomorrow as a Sales Engineer exec. Doing public address, lightings, alarm n stuff of tt natural.. so if u r in a construction bizness or sumthing, do contact me to let me hit my first sales.. hahaha.. anyway.. work sucks.. not looking forward to it..
we only use choking if the dog is disobedient. and where i work, most of them are. here, we call it checking the dog. check, as in you give the dog a short sharp tug on the lead.

mmm, wouldn't say its the answer to all problems, but it is effective when doing obedience training with them. dogs, although loyal, can be quite guai lan most of the time.
we only use choking if the dog is disobedient. and where i work, most of them are. here, we call it checking the dog. check, as in you give the dog a short sharp tug on the lead.

mmm, wouldn't say its the answer to all problems, but it is effective when doing obedience training with them. dogs, although loyal, can be quite guai lan most of the time.

just a question where do you get the dogs from? are they trained as pups?
well im a dog trainer myself and my dog is as you call it "guai lan" at times.
what about positive reinforcement?
our dogs are usually purchased from dog farms and breeders overseas in holland. from what i know the dog training facilities where i trained as an army dog handler sends personnel there to buy them. got some home bred here also but its quite rare.

positive reinforcement? praise them when a task is fufilled and when they have obeyed a command at most.
full time:
zone administrator for 70++ school librarians.
my company is in library n learning services.

part time:
packer at OCS
play band cari makan

most of the time:
pro slut
Full time: Sales Engineer working for an MNC called Platform Computing. We specialize in grid/cloud computing solutions.

Part-time: Starting my first guitar lessons this Wednesday with a friend, we are planning to be the next flight of the conchords!