What do you think?


New member
Err... If i replace caps like to put those orange caps on my guitar will it affect the sound of the guitar? will the guitar be better obviously?And does the vibration damper thing worth it?

What do you think for a new guitar if i add those mods?

And lastly, are tesla picups good?

Thanks people !!
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orange drops-well most people think that their guitar sounds better to their ears,maybe you should try it out and see what you think.

vibration damper? never heard of that..

yes tesla is good.
will capacitors improve tone?

YES and NO.

yes- if you perpetually adapt your guitar's tone via your vol/tone pots.

no- if you max out your vol/tone all the time, not varying voicing.

the fallacy here is, just because there are branded capacitors in your guitar's electronics, your tone improves tremendously- you actually have to put these capacitors to work.
As in like, keep using it at different tone/volume knob settings while playing a song?

If no, then it wouldn't really benefit you.
oh ok now i get , i guess i dont need those caps anymore . But those caps wat i know are best for treble bleeds right?

So wat about the vibration damper thingy? have u guys try it?
i suggest u research a little bit more and know what orange drop capacitors and treble bleed does before making a decision. dont mod ur guitar to have them just because u 'think' it will make ur guitar 'better'

there has been a lot of threads regarding orange drop caps and treble bleed here on soft. search and read up. they provide good information.
No, those caps are not better for treble bleed per se. I guess you are still not getting the entire picture clearly.

Treble bleed mod has been discussed plenty of times already. It basically allows you to retain the treble when you back off the volume knob. I'm sure you've noticed how when your treble bleeds away when you roll off the volume from the volume knob.

And about the vibration dampener, yes, it works for me. I can hear the difference, so I can say it works for me.

Mike recommended it to me, and after trying it out extensively at home, I'm surprised at how this little thing can make such a difference.

Basically, it dampens the stray vibrations from your tuning post to your nut. The crucial vibrations emanate from nut down.
You clip the gadget on right above the nut. And obviously, if you use a FR equipped guitar, there's no point in using this.
I don't know the exact physics behind this, all I know is that it sounds better and the clarity of chords is improved.

Having heard our opinions and recommendations, I'd say that the best thing for you to do is to try the things out yourself. If you can hear an improvement, then get it. If not, then don't buy it, regardless of how good the product's review might be.
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Hey, Guys do u know where does the Tesla Vibration Damper thing are sold instead of standardvalue? Must go so far buy i stay at sengkang so lazy man must go all the way to woodlands siaaa ..
Contact SV. Mike will send the item to you after you paid and of course, postage will be beared by you.
Contact SV. Mike will send the item to you after you paid and of course, postage will be beared by you.

U mean i have to pay first at SV? ha? u said i have to pay first then they will send to me . U mean pay by card issit? Do u think he can send to my house then i pay at the spot? most likely how much ah the delivery charge?

Srry i ask too much .. Lazy to contact SV

RyanZ u gt try before ah buying like that ha?
Dude, you can't get things done this way man, quit being lazy...isit really that hard to just give a call or send an email to SV?