What do YOU think about Justin Beiber?

Some of his songs are nice though i must say. Very catchy but like most of you have said it, he is nothing special and his fans are mostly girls... You know how typical girls reaction when they see some cute angmo boy who knows how to woo them by giving that annoying smile.... Still, he is making it big because of this girls... TONNES OF DOUGH.... I'm just one to a milion of what he is making...

So sad indeed....:rolleyes:
He's a She!


HAHAHAH omg. that made me LOL:p at work.haaha
But seriously, I think he's just a phase. He's just making a living and we're all (including me) jealous because he gets all the chicks and has all the money. And i hope all the hype about him dies down soon. I can't stand to listen to anymore of his songs whenever i'm in the car and i turn on the radio.
He's just another product frequently advertised on MTV, just like that stripper Gaga. He may have tons of money but who cares? would like to see him in person though (so that i can smash his pretty boy face).
I am just surprised that so many of you know so much about him to hate him? Wow, must be appearing in your dreams too.

Anyway, I don't know who he is, so I am just sad with all these hatred going on.

We are just human like every one else. We are not special or superior.

Let's all live and love.
Justin Bieber is way, way too young to have a unique sense of individuality, any sort of interesting personality or any depth whatsoever as a songwriter. He gets by the same way any young upstart would- mimicking his idols Usher, Ludacris, Chris Brown, Sean Kingston, Ne-Yo and a host of other black R&B artistes. In his defense- the kid can sing. He can also play the guitar, the piano, the drums and the trumpet (Damn!). He seems like a good-natured, fun-loving kid. Given time and space to grow and mature as an artiste, I'm sure he could turn out to be someone interesting with a potentially genuine contribution to the music industry. But the profit-mongering industry won't have that. They're not going to give him that vital time and space to grow, as a person and as an artiste. They're just forcing him into a niche luring him with power, fame and money. They'll suck out his soul and leave him an empty, confused shell to be tossed aside once fully exploited- a vacuum which will probably be filled with sex, drugs and disenchantment.

I'm sorry, Justin. It's a cruel world.

Ouh I don't know, the other Justin turned out pretty well. No one can honestly expect musical genius from him at his age; even Mr. Jackson didn't come into his own until he was about 21. If he plays his cards right and gets himself into a position where he's commercially viable enough for record executives to give him freedom to explore, he could make good on his fame yet. That's assuming of course that he lasts that long without imploding.
HAHA! in fact we all grow up with that kind of voice. When we were at his age, we all struggle to earn money but underage. Just that Im quite uncomfortable with him singing about Love all the time. And be a casanova kinda thing.

We still learn trying to earn CIP points and CCA points at his age. :O
He's just another product frequently advertised on MTV, just like that stripper Gaga. He may have tons of money but who cares? would like to see him in person though (so that i can smash his pretty boy face).

This dude made an account just to post this.. LOL Could it be aaron carter, the original child star????
He's just another product frequently advertised on MTV, just like that stripper Gaga. He may have tons of money but who cares? would like to see him in person though (so that i can smash his pretty boy face).

Seek help.

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