Justin Bieber is way, way too young to have a unique sense of individuality, any sort of interesting personality or any depth whatsoever as a songwriter. He gets by the same way any young upstart would- mimicking his idols Usher, Ludacris, Chris Brown, Sean Kingston, Ne-Yo and a host of other black R&B artistes. In his defense- the kid can sing. He can also play the guitar, the piano, the drums and the trumpet (Damn!). He seems like a good-natured, fun-loving kid. Given time and space to grow and mature as an artiste, I'm sure he could turn out to be someone interesting with a potentially genuine contribution to the music industry. But the profit-mongering industry won't have that. They're not going to give him that vital time and space to grow, as a person and as an artiste. They're just forcing him into a niche luring him with power, fame and money. They'll suck out his soul and leave him an empty, confused shell to be tossed aside once fully exploited- a vacuum which will probably be filled with sex, drugs and disenchantment.
I'm sorry, Justin. It's a cruel world.