what do you guys think of vigier guitars?

As you can see from my posts, I have sheer admiration and respect for Mr Chan and Mr Patrice Vigier. :D

2 great guys in the guitar industry... Yup, like I said, it's better than getting a PRS. Just to let you know, I flamed PRS and it's "spokesman" before and a lot of ppl didn't like it. He told me about his comparison between Vigier and PRS, but I didn't put it in the story lest people judge and flame me. Imagine ppl going "Unfair comparison!" blah blah blah! :lol:

I loved the conversation I had with him. It's the best I had since I started liking guitars. (Now I'm not really a guitarist, more of a guitar market/industry observer) :)

Chanmin: You can't try all the Vigier guitars in the catalogue. These guitars are made-to-order (think Dell Computers), not made-to-stock (like Fender, Gibson, etc). Sheer value-for-money for the discerning and discriminating guitarist. He has his own Expert for a "test-drive".
I really enjoy this thread...
I've always like this guitar and, although I am a really lousy guitar player, Vigier is GASing into my list (in fact, I think I will get it, not sooner definitely :P)...

:smt026 :partyman: :rock:
Woah, I heard my friend's coursemate playing one of this babies at a gig and I was blown away man... The tone dwarfed those Strats used by the other giggers and even a PRS...
Mr Chan said "If your Fender is better than the Vigier, you can have the Vigier". The chap agreed to the challenge and returned to Carmel Media with his Fender USA Strat. Guess which guitar won? Vigier.

what really bugs me about this is how could you actually define one guitar as "better" than another? in this case it seems to be about the range of tones it can produce...by that definition, dump a bunch of active EQ circuitry,series/parallel/coil split/tap/varitones in a guitar and its the best in the world..

"good" tone to one will be crap to another..

it's all personal..people will use the shittiest made guitar in the world if it feels good to them.
agreed unsane. well i was asking as above which gig cos i just did one with a fren and as above prs was put into the picture. yeah his vigier owned my tone, if u consider that he had joe barden bridge pickup and an evans hot lead neck pickup running thru fulltone fulldrive into fulltone fatboost into robotalk autowah. while i had the fun of putting my prs thru a frens boss megadrive. honestly tone should never be brought into a comparison of guitars as the main option cos in truth majority of the sound comes from amp.

whats important in a gd guitar is solid construction which i will not dispute that vigier has got something there. and also the feel. cos sound can easily be altered with the purchase of pickups, effects and amps but the feel of the neck or the limitations be it amount of frets or bridge issues would be more trouble if any of these issues in a guitar does not sit right with you. the instrument should be an extension making u able to put down ur feelings and emotions into sound. the quality of the sound is another issue to be addressed by other forms of gear.
i remember a interview with joe barden himself. he said that, "you cannot polish a turd". the sound that isnt there cant be added in later. furthermore when manfred chan plays a squier it sounds like a fender custom shop, but due to the transcendental nature of the vigier it responds to the player input.

by the way penta-tonic says it, why should we pay big bucks for a prs when a squier sounds better or equally good. sad to hear that people pay ridiculous amounts for products that are ridiculously hyped up and worthless.

this is a clear and classic case where people buy with their eyes and not their ears. young people this days.....
wahaha. i paid big bucks for prs cos firstly it was my dream guitar and i could afford one at that very moment in time and also cos i love the neck of a prs. the rest of the others like gibsons and fenders and ibanez didnt do it for me. plus the fact there arent many guitars offering me a 24 fret neck with vintage trem and such a nice top. but ill say its no perfect guitar. doing some changes to the pickups at the moment hehe
egwe said:
i remember a interview with joe barden himself. he said that, "you cannot polish a turd". the sound that isnt there cant be added in later. furthermore when manfred chan plays a squier it sounds like a fender custom shop, but due to the transcendental nature of the vigier it responds to the player input.

ShredCow said:
egwe said:
i remember a interview with joe barden himself. he said that, "you cannot polish a turd". the sound that isnt there cant be added in later. furthermore when manfred chan plays a squier it sounds like a fender custom shop, but due to the transcendental nature of the vigier it responds to the player input.


+10000000 :lol:
ok i shall edit this post so as not to hurt the feelings of certain minorities who have a love for the taste of a certain kind of heavy duty footwear..
WiZaRd said:

Sucimez uses vigier guitars too rite? Is that really a vigier? The fella's sicckk....

Oh yeah.. I watched that before... Totally...