What defines a bands genre?


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I was thinking last night when watching a QOSTA video, on 'Songs for the deaf' they say they are a death metal band, but they certainly dont sound like one, or a typical death metal band anyway.

So what makes a band a metal/death metal/black metal/thrash metal/nu metal band?

Is it the lyrics? the riffs? what?
QOTSA has a weird sense of humour, most likely they are not serious about trying to have a genre of music they are playing..
especually with a front man like josh homme....
nitrovo said:
hmm I guess so, but what genre would you classify them under?

I read from a magazine somewhere, and the journalist classify them as "stoner rock", and I have no clue what that means...hee :lol:
the stoner rock title is probably more appropriate for josh homme previous band... and he rather called it desert rock...
Mobius said:
I read from a magazine somewhere, and the journalist classify them as "stoner rock", and I have no clue what that means...hee :lol:

It just means a couple of potheads gathering to play some rock'n'roll... the sound is usually raw and sludgish...

back on the topic, what defines a band genre, imo, is the kinda music they play.

lyrics written can be as explicit as possible, they way the vox sings it, accompanied by the music will truely determine its genre.

anybody disagree with that?
Usually for metal, how to classify what subgenre they are within metal is the lyric they expressed.

Like death metal: It's metal music with lyrics on death and destruction.
Like black metal: It's metal music with lyrics on you know what (satan and shit like that)
Like white metal: Metal music with lyrical expression on religion, usually Christianity.
Like symphonic metal: Metal with symphony music touch and lyrics are usually those type like dragons and shit like that. Too much D&D for them.
Like industrial metal: Metal with industrial music sound with lyrical sujects that can varied quite a lot (industrial music lyric have no focus)
Nu-metal: Lotsa down tune metal with lyrics that can be no serious focus.
Pop-metal: L.I.N.K.I.N P.A.R.K and the all other pop metal boys and girls band.
Grind death metal: Metal music with grind music in balance. Lyric can express about guts, surgery terms, political terms to death and destruction too.
Grindcore: It's basically a more grinding type of grind death metal with lyrics 100% dedicated to guts, surgery terms, political terms and also they can have groovy music as well. Great for moshing. Grindcore can be the most dirtiest music with despicable lyric within the CORE music family.
Porncore: Ultra sick core music. Hahah.

In electronic music, I guess they are categorically diverse into subgenre according to their drum beats I guess.
Like DJ Krush newest stuff (great stuff), he blend turntabling, hip-hop with traditional Japanese sounds. Great.
i want to make porncore music. seriously. like...slow, hot, heavy, and totally the kind of thing you'd make out to in a dark corner of a goth/rave swingers club. haha.

but first, i need to get me a good home recording studio. :?
adidasman said:
In electronic music, I guess they are categorically diverse into subgenre according to their drum beats I guess.
Like DJ Krush newest stuff (great stuff), he blend turntabling, hip-hop with traditional Japanese sounds. Great.

I love Jaku. Have you heard the one before that? I heard from friends that it has a harsher tone and is more hip hop in nature...
adidasman said:
Usually for metal, how to classify what subgenre they are within metal is the lyric they expressed..

Like death metal: It's metal music with lyrics on death and destruction.

Metallicas ride the lightning, and justice for all was about death and destruction.

Like black metal: It's metal music with lyrics on you know what (satan and shit like that)

Iron maiden fall under this category, but arent black metal.

The rest I guess i can agree on, but I can see what your getting at
serialninja said:
i want to make porncore music. seriously. like...slow, hot, heavy, and totally the kind of thing you'd make out to in a dark corner of a goth/rave swingers club. haha.

you sure your dad will approve? haha
nitrovo said:
Like death metal: It's metal music with lyrics on death and destruction.

Pardon me if i sound offensive...
but personally i feel ( in my own view).
Death metal lyrics is not really about death n destrution...perhaps there are some bands...and metallica definately do not belong to the death metal category.
BlackMetal: yes, its partly true abt the lyrics on satan n stuff.
but..iron maiden fall under this catergory???? i beg to differ..

I gues its kinda hard to really differentiate exactly wat sub genre should a certain band./song be...but in my opinion

Death metal : usually is fast ( low growling vox) bands like cannibal corspe, vital remains, morbid angel..
Blackmetal: More on satan, vox is usually high pitch and is quite melodious, bands like dimmu borgir, opera IX.
Thrashmetal: dun realy know hw to describe it well but my all time thrash band destrution, sodom, kreator..u know along that line.
Powermetal: usually its bands like rhapsody, hammerfall, helloween, lost horizon...
Progressive metal/rock: mostly associated with bands like symphony x, dream theatre, synergy...
Of coure nowadays there are more n more subgenre coming up that it is really almost impossible to exactly brand the band..
like there could be melodic death metal? ( children of bodom).
Doom metal, symphonic doom metal, Melodic thrash,grindcore metal, there are jus too many..but i guess vox n style of playing ( ie the drums guitar, bass) for eg, (deathmetal drumming is very different from thrashmeal drumming ).... i guess dats mainly the major diff u c in diff genres. the instruments arrangment.

Gd Ol heavymetal/rock: Ironmaiden, Ozzy, black sabbath..? ledzep,skidrow,scorpion and so on. ( more on the 80s old skool band).

No offence intended,jus my humble 2 cents opinion 8)

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