What bass guitar should a beginner start with???

what about the less than desired playability of Squires?


save on those pickups, cuz you'll need the money when you decided to get a better bass. -)
The old squiers aren't too bad. I have one from the 80's that's really, really good (while they were still made in JP or KR... can't remember which one this bass came from). Much better than any of the MIM's that I've played at SL.
i've mentioned before that new squiers have really flimsy necks. with all due respect i wouldnt recommend getting a new one. though u'd might like to try sourcing for old '80s/90s ones.
ibanez RD500! go check out the reviews on this forum its a solid starter. a lil pricey though (1k) but if you're gonna wait for the swee lee sale, i highly recommend it!

Save up for a BB414 ! absolutely value for money. I am personally currently using it and i have tried the OLPmm2, Some of the cheaper Ibanezs and One of the Fender Squires(not sure which model) But in the end i still love the feel and tone of my BB414.
Although you will have to get it setup because the initial action of it is damn high and pretty uneven. :P
there was no RD500 during the last Swee Lee sale... it's been discontinued. we are now left with the RD300 (no coil split) & the RD900. however, if there are any in the re-sale market, do consider...
i must have took the last RD 505 :twisted: haha well a really really cheap bass is the ibanez starter pack(GSR 200 i think) it packs a decent low end
hmm...seems like quite a lot of people are recommending Ibanez basses. Personally never like any of the Ibanezs that I've tried/played. But that's just me..

That being said, best you try out what you feel more comfortable playing before you actually make a purchase. At the end of the day it's what suits you that matters...
This is our bass

Thx for ur kind suggestions guys...i bought my bass already from AllenLeonidas...This is how it looks like before...Pics:



this bass guitar is quite sweet with its EMGs...but it has its flaws...1 of the them is that the battery is hanging out of the bass guitar and the pickguard with bad marks...with Allens help,i got the stickers remove and the bass cleaned...i have to do some respray and some mods....this is how it looks after the makeover....






it sounds good and now looks even better...Oh yeah, the battery is now well tucked in with a battery slot at the back of the bass.... Thanks for the bass Allen!! and thanks again softies for your great help!!

Save up for a BB414 ! absolutely value for money. I am personally currently using it and i have tried the OLPmm2, Some of the cheaper Ibanezs and One of the Fender Squires(not sure which model) But in the end i still love the feel and tone of my BB414.
Although you will have to get it setup because the initial action of it is damn high and pretty uneven. :P

Hi can you explain wat do you mean by getting it set up?

I'm getting my 2nd bass (I have a cheap Samick from Davis), and after reading the forums I'm considering getting a BB414. Had originally wanted to bang on the Swee Lee sales to get a Highway1 but missed the opportunity haha
adjusting the truss rod to eliminate neck warp, string height, intonation etc. all the little allen key holes on your bridge and headstock not there for show, its meant to be tuned. this is necessary because when the guitar is shipped from overseas, it is detuned and not set up properly. the shop is supposed to do it, but alot of shops do a half-assed job because it ultimately gets sold anyway, and other shops actually charge a fee for the service
Hi Shinobi, thanks!

Didn't had to do any of those for my first bass (well it did sounded fine to me), but will pay attention for my next.

i recommend you.. to bring someone who have experience in bass for at least a few years of playing with you when u do your purchase.. different bass comes with different tone, body, neck, bridge and pickups. for a bass i will say the most important part is the neck. for so much experience with bad neck and it just make the playing so uncomfortable.. a good neck that dont buzz is hard to get.. even u manage to get it the action and the intonations.. requires to adjust..even your playing techniques creates different tone from the bass you are playing.
fenders is a good choice for beginner but i will either get the USA or JAP version.. the tone and balance of the bass is so much different from squire..
i am a supporter or yamaha bass. TRB will be a killer, but BB will do just be wonderful as well.. so far i also have good experience with BB.. but nono for RBX
nono for ibanez my own personal stuff.. but my first bass is ibanez but it is just not there..

play with the bass you are looking for..feel the tone and sound.. check on the neck.. check the actions.. well it is never easy anyway