What bass guitar should a beginner start with???

Hi Antrence, probably good advice but I personally know of nobody who plays the bass, so I've been trying things out myself. Been in fact looked for a mentor few years back but no such luck...

But I'm interested in the where and how for equipment purchase. TRB is nice but my budget is only 700+, and tats where the BB fits in nicely. Besides, tats the one where it's readily available off the rack isn't it (according to yamaha.sg)? Just 1 qns, where do you guys get your fender gear, other than swee lee?

Thanks to all bythe way :)
peninsular basement , lots of guitar shops there , i buy mine in japan cause i never liked sweelee
BB yah .. price think your range.. well not all bb install are good also.. so choose properly..learn how to see if a neck is straight (infact that the hardest..) also check for buzzing in each fret check the action.. usually if by default the height of the strings to the fret board is too high and u see the neck have a bending look, i will not buy cause i dont know if i can tune it straight sometimes u never know that the tension of the trustrod is very tight... anyway it is really hard to maintian a bass.. specially in such humid and warm climax in sg

erm mentor wise is hard cause it is hard to get to bassist to play in the same band haha. look around for a teacher then?
actually checking the neck action/relief isn't difficult if you KNOW how to do it properly on the spot. can be done/checked in a minute if you do it properly. just line your strings against the fingerboard using the "first fret/elbow at 24/21st fret" technique and test the string against the fingerboard.

other aspect would to look for bumps on the fingerboard for those cheaper build basses. i had some experiences before, can be quite scary. that you have to sight it along the fingerboard line ..

the BB basses are a good choice. played them a few times at yamaha, good factory setup, amazing pickups for it being stock and comfortable feel for anyone to play. brainless controls that a 2 year old-kid would know how to use and tough like a tank. so go ahead, yamaha did a great job on their latest BB series ...

can't say the same for their latest TRB series ... bahs .. disgusting ...
I think Squier's ok. I'm getting a Squier bass and then I'll fit them with Fender pick-ups.

Does anyone know where I can get second-hand maple necks? Preferably brandless.
i do agree.. trb1006 from korea the feeling is so .. hard to discribe.. i owned a trb v1 and till now i love the feeling... anyway mine piece is consider the second last piece that yamaha bring in 6 years ago.. then they move to trb2
try getting a jumpstart kit ?. kinda includes almost everything you need for bass playing.. some even include instructional and learning vids !
Weeell, I think after all the advice, the BB is probably my safest bet for an upgrade, though my mind might change when I make a visit to Penisula haha.

Thanks everybody for the help!