What bass guitar should a beginner start with???

you may get a better response if you posted this in the Bass section :)

Anyways, Fenders are always popular choices. Might want to check out Yamaha's too. Really depends on your budget and the genre of music that you play.
The OLP MM2 is pretty decent for a first bass, or at least for me. Around $300-400+? Well I'm actually a guitarist but I sure had fun with that bass!
Davis Guitars has an SX series bass which is very good for jazz and rock songs. It comes with a softbag, cables, tuner and amp for only 250. Hope you find this useful.
try as many as possible & choose accordingly. some personal recommendations:

*Ibanez: any GSR model
*Samick Fairlane (highly recommended)
Should Start out with a cheap one i guess like aria pro bass, when i was 15 i use aria then in age 22 i using tokia thunderbird bass, age of 23 i using a gibson les paul bass.
Yamaha BB414! It's a killer starter bass guitar that you can ever own, way better than SX thousand times.
LOL.. the BB414 is twice or nearly 3 times the price of the starter packs. (Although Yamaha sale is on now!)

That said, you wouldnt have any of those neck warping probs that beginner packs seem to be infamous for. BB414 is a stellar bass that will last you pass your beginner phrase and it will be much longer before you outgrow it than beginner basses.

I like OLP MM2 but i recommend you not to get the only one left at G77 now.(The BLue one) The Pickguard still has plastic filing and the construction seems to be rather lacking in that model. I've seen much better MM2s so dun get that.

Most importantly ya gotta have some idea what time of sound you want for urself. Do you play Rock? Jazz? Who are your 'idols'? Perhaps we could help you better than.
let's not shackle the beginner with the 'cheap' obligation; more importantly, you should choose an affordable but well-playing unit.

i'm a guitar player but i enjoy the OLP MM2 tremendously 8)

imho at the entry level its better to find something versatile as you may not have defined your 'sound' or style yet. so its better to find something that has quality at an affordable price = good value

then it makes sense to find a used bass. condition prob wouldn't matter cos you'd end up getting a 2nd bass anyway.

speaking of the mm2, i sold one last year for 200. so you can roughly gauge. it was my 2nd bass :D

(warning: shameless advertising :twisted: ) currently there are a number of >$500 basses on the buy-sell, including my ibanez srx500 which is a good 2nd or even working bass. MINT
many would conveniently associate the OLP copies to be parallel to the original MM version but at this price bracket, a departure in tone, should be expected.

i'm not a big Stingray fan, my MM2 acquisition wasn't a consolation purchase, it was an acquisition after trying one in person. the knobs/ circuitry on board allows a single coil operation which IMO was a useful tone variation; hence the purchase.
The BB414 is a no-brainer for me. If I could only have one and one bass only for $500, that would be it. Tho I'd probably defret it and turn it into a fretless :D

Anyone wanna let go of a BB414?? :twisted:
It really depends on what kind of tone you like, different bass guitar have different tone. You have to work out your budget then go search for a guitar that is suitable for your budget and yourself.

I recommend TGM if you like low sound bass, if you have a higher budget, OLP MM2 is the best choice.
hmm. I'd suggest a bass with a HUGE tonal palette, cause you're just starting out, and probably don't know what kind of sound you want. As well as something that's easy to play, which depends on how fat your fingers are as well as your hand size. The OLP sounds yummy.
ahkiat: i disagree ..

starting off with a bass with a huge tonal palatte may cause confusion on the part of the learner. All beginners require is to learn how to play the bass, not learn how the bass sounds like.

besides, a new guy can't exactly tell the difference in terms of .. "oh, that's a P-bass sound, that's a J-bass sound, that sounds like musicman" ... i believe over time taste will develop. All the beginner needs now is to learn the foundation of bass playing and not bother too much about tone for the beginning period.