What Are Boutique Pedals?

The only thing I know is the price, and probably the fact that boutique pedals are usually handwired, as opposed to the mass produced factory pedals like BOSS or Marshall. A good example of boutique pedals are those sold at Blackwood Guitars.
Boutique pedals are available from brands like LV, Gucci, Prada, Burberry, etc...


Yea, like what DeathCubeK said, price and handwired/made. Personally, I don't think there's much diff, but lotsa ppl on soft would beg to differ, so to each his own.

I prefer buying a normal everyday pedal, and try to tweak it to get diff sounds, rather than spending lotsa moolah on a certain pedal that only sounds the way it's supposed to sound.
Awesome, great response here. Thanks everyone for giving me their knowledge on this.:)

Hope to get more opinions from other fellow softies. Great Day everyone. =D
imho, theres couple of misconception about boutique pedals in here.

First of, handwired part. Most of the so called boutique pedal in the market now are all pcb, printed circuit board style with components put in and soldered. Whether or not the components are done by the make himself/herself(yes, there are female bootique pedal maker around), thats another thing.

Hand wired is a mismonmer most of the time cos, bootique pedals maker are not ancient folks with no connection to outside world. They can actually outsource different part of the pedals, from casing, pcb, wiring etc to 3rd party fellas.

Theres lots more things to some of the description of boutique pedals actually. Interestingly, some geetarers in us listen with wallet more than context and actual sound timbre. So theres prolly not much point talking bout it.

Hehe, boutique pedals. I have spent more then 10 of thousands on pedals alone over the years and whether is it boutique or not, will depend on the people we are talking to...
reminds me of the time when some soundman hesitated when i asked him to run a line from the DI on my board to the FOH

"you see... what you have here are boutique pedals..."

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