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which song u like the most!?

  • 1)Be By My Side

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2)My Last Cry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3)Shut Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4)Shadow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5)Say It All

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
thks, GuitarNoob....... :D

but....... :cry:

still so sad....... :cry:

only 1 softie c our clips........ :cry:

heeheehee........ :lol:

better den nothing........ like wat bryan said........ :o

anyway....... :roll:

we won't be dishearted n will contiune 2 fight on........ :wink:

Hi there,

I saw 2 of your band video, truth is it is pretty boring as it is just likea still picture with sound . the person that is videoing your band has to be more daring and adventerous in zooming into the singer face to show his emotion or zooming on the lead guitarist when he is soloing . Be wild , be daring be creative


PS , if you have Dalif as your guest in your video, Garantee all the sofies here will see your video :)
purplehaze3691, thks 4 ur feedback......... :D

heehee...... cannot get Dalif lei n i dun think he'll 1 2 gig wif us........ :lol:

anyway........ :roll:

we will keep on fighting......... :wink:


i hope the fill ins dunt rush
i hope the singer had a more pleasant voice
i understand e limitatiions in movement but i hope there were more life
i hope the music was more original
i hope more bands like these fight on(i hope not as they're full time career)
i have nothing more to say
the end.
lamercussion, RN's songs sound like which bands huh?........ :roll:

need 2 be more original......... so need more advise........ :D

thks 4 ur comments....... :wink:

thanks lamer cussion!

i see that this is your first post in soft ... welcome!
thanks for the comments :wink:
pls intro yourself in the soft intro page too :wink: :wink:
hmm i think theres alot of room for improvement for u guys to find the ur own unqiue be more matured...yep..haha..just what i feel man... :twisted:
so we sound like wat bands huh?....... :roll:

i'm trying 2 improve....... so need more detailed advises....... :wink:


well i dunno.. i wunt fake my knowledge of knoein ur kinds of music, but i just dunt feel it sounds original... but good attempt though. maybe it may seem original in e chinese po scene but its like eng rock or pop with chinese lyrix thrown in

e drummer needs to be more happening la.. yeh.. guitarists can do with more movement and natural ones too...

maybe dun scream la.. not nice. well tts my view aniway

try writing somethin like funk or bossa, even jazz ..maybe??