P penguin New member Jun 13, 2005 #21 hi Neuro, Even if u fix that inf Pu, i doubt that it will stay there for long... Over time it might loose its "bite". Like what others had mention get a dimarzio, duncan ,emg or other pickup, btw what did u test the inf pu with?just curious
hi Neuro, Even if u fix that inf Pu, i doubt that it will stay there for long... Over time it might loose its "bite". Like what others had mention get a dimarzio, duncan ,emg or other pickup, btw what did u test the inf pu with?just curious
P Praetorian New member Jun 13, 2005 #22 I think the Seymour Duncan Jazz pickup would do fine for you, try the Custom / Custom-Custom as well. Or maybe a DiMarzio Evo.
I think the Seymour Duncan Jazz pickup would do fine for you, try the Custom / Custom-Custom as well. Or maybe a DiMarzio Evo.
BlackMoo New member Jun 13, 2005 #23 Sorry for borrowing thread. Would an RG350 with INF3, 3s and 4 pickups be a good investment or.. A simple squier strat? Assuming value for money, upgradablity and so on?
Sorry for borrowing thread. Would an RG350 with INF3, 3s and 4 pickups be a good investment or.. A simple squier strat? Assuming value for money, upgradablity and so on?
P Praetorian New member Jun 13, 2005 #24 Personally, RG. However, the squier will give you greater pup configuration options. But still, an RG for me.
Personally, RG. However, the squier will give you greater pup configuration options. But still, an RG for me.
neuro182 New member Jun 13, 2005 #25 RG350DX i tried it w an RG350DX at SweeLee, using a Peavey Transtube amp.
M Mr_X New member Jun 13, 2005 #26 actually i think sweelee make people use that good amp ar, cause this false impression that the guitar is a really good one.
actually i think sweelee make people use that good amp ar, cause this false impression that the guitar is a really good one.
P Praetorian New member Jun 13, 2005 #27 Which is why, if you wanna try a new amp, or a new guitar, its best to use a set-up (eg amp guitar / efx) as similar as possible to the ones you use.
Which is why, if you wanna try a new amp, or a new guitar, its best to use a set-up (eg amp guitar / efx) as similar as possible to the ones you use.