^^ coming from a speedster.. 8)
For your budget, maybe a TGM? Ranking has a few to check out for your range, and of course you will need to zhng as time goes along. My suggestion would be to save up (not to the extremes of $2000, but if you can do that then I give u my respect!) and invest in a better guitar like a 2nd hand fender or maybe a Jackson or B.C Rich. I can't recommend Ibanez because I have little or zilch experience having fun with Ibanez guitars (no offense to Ibanez users.. the electrics just don't appeal to me).
The thing to realise is that you will find it pretty tough to sound like your guitar heroes, especially when you are starting out. Always be patient, and wait a little longer, save a little harder then get a decent axe.
My personal motto when it comes to guitar playing: shit in = shit out.