Warning: Beware of the seller JASONCHEE

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First Off I did not avoid you. I said I dont do refunds after goods are sold and I was very busy during weekends. I did have plans to organize another meet to check it together and possibly get a friend of mine (who repairs guitar) to look at it but I dont think thats possible now! Besides I checked the MT2 before and it was working fine!! It is also your part responsibility to check goods before payment. You could have rejected the goods before payment. Bring your screwdriver down to check it or organize a meet at a music store to test it on the amplifier..... Whatever...

Second the original price (brand new) MT2 is about 210 odd dollars. I guess price of effects here are way more expensive than what you get in Phiippines! I sold it to you for only 70 because its Second hand. If you want everything to be so PERFECT you could always get a brand new one and stop being such a cheapskate!

Thridly, i have sold alot of items. Boss EQ7, Boss Overdrive, Boss Mega distortion, M audio Fast track pro, White Fender guitar and EJ 3 acoustic. None of these ppl had any issues!!! If everyone is gonna tell me this little problem that little problem do u expect me to refund everyone??

Forthly, if you have so much time on hand to take whatever photos and spam every selling thread i post why dont u just bring it down to a guitar repair shop and get all the damages(you CLAIMED) fixed up??

To Nefianz If you want a refund for the ventage guitar i can do it. But it seems to me you have already sold it for a better price than the price i offered!
OH PLEASE!!! I had so many ppl texting me about the EQ7 that time and most of these smses, i didnt even have time to reply to...... hence it has never occured to me that I actually needed to sell the EQ7 to you either!
JasonChee, i think you're missing the whole pt of what people are unhappy about. You have sold spoiled items and you claim not to do refund. How is this ethical? Your parents never teach you? And you should be the one paying for the repairs before selling them off to others not the other way round.

If thats the case, i propose that beerman should report you to the police with your phone number and together settle this with the police. If you want to sell spoilt items, have the courtesy of saying its spoilt and not try to scam ppl.

And don't drag philippines into this. If you're a PINOY, shame on you. Go learn some ethics.
A guy will nvr post something if he feels he is cheated. The guy sms u and u don't reply then u said in ur post ur busy. Dude, It takes a less than a minute to sms d person. U dig ur own grave. He posted evidence that u are selling ur pedal has a faulty circuit. At least u could give him his money back. Right? Regardless of what u said, he posted evidence.

The best solution would be is refund the guys money otherwise you will mark as JASON CHEE AS THE CHEATER and you don't want to happen. Just correct each others mistake.

Try googling this "jason chee". The first part will appear is this thread.

Correct ur mistakes. Peace ^__^v

You're the one scheduled to meet you on weekend and I agree with it then on that day you said you cannot make it. What do you want me to do wait for nothing?

Now you putting on blame on me not checking the item... Don't you think that I trusted you?

Another thing, don't mention how much you got it brand new because you cannot sell this on the same price. PERFECT??? Do think I'm making a story here? It's cheap... Yes, because it needs to send to a technician for repair...

For the small price you exchange your reputation.

If you're concern enough you should sms me back after the day I talked to you over the phone, actually I didn't voice out my concern I've waited for you to return to me.

Like most of the people replied on my tread... State the exact condition of your item!!!

I think no want will dare to deal with you anymore
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New MT-2 cost u 210$, u bought at planet mars wasnt it?
U can get it cheaper at planet earth, in singapore!!
Second hand mt-2...70$. In a good working condition i guess!
Spoilt MT-2... Better give for free lah.

Learn some ethic, dude. Be a gentlement!!
Brand new MT-2 for 210sgd? Does it come with mermaid tears or a purple goat's eyelash?

Jason Cheets, you definitely are not getting the point. You sold a defective product eventhough you're claiming you tested it then try to defend your actions by stating it's just 70sgd. Well, that's how much a used yet fully-functional MT-2 should cost. Just because you said you tested it, that's the final word on the item? Then what is that dried liquid over the circuit? Was it so heavenly-sounding that you spooged on it after testing it?

Given that you said you have made so many deals with people, you should know the used market by now. So it's not being a cheapskate, it's just principles, ethics and BALLS which sadly, you don't seem to have when it comes to these matters.

You really expect people to come to pedal deals bringing a screwdriver to open them up and going to shops to try. And I thought you're a busy person? Don't you think others are also busy to do what you expect them to do? Don't you have shame to the shop owners that you're going to use their rented space for your own personal transactions? Also, you can meet up when you're selling but you turn into Mr Unreachable when people want to discuss things over defective stuff that you sold them.

P.S. I don't really mean to ruin your day since it's a nice cool Wednesday, have a great Ladies' Night OUt later with your friends.

Hey guys, let us stop calling him names or whatsoever.

If he has done wrong, let the buyer report the matter to the police.
But, please do try to solve the matter first. Let this forum be a good natured one as it was.

From the photo, maybe perhaps it was battery leakage?

Jason I would highly recommend that you resolve this issue and keeping the integrity of this avenue of musicial equipments trading.

At the end of the day it does not really matter who is right or not. SG as small as this industry is, let us keep whatever we have clean alright? If not it'll be so much of a pity.

Have a good day ahead everyone.
Cheers! =)
everyone! jasonchee isnt wrong about metal zone being 210 bucks.. its at SWEELEE!!
hahahha but honstly i wonder who buys effects from them when i can go to SV to get it at such a better price!

but on everything else i agree! in fact, i myself am going through something like this and it has been going on for a few weeks already. this sat is the seller's last chance to redeem himself or i might be the bad guy and end up posting like how TS posted.

btw, people who dont reply SMSes or emails really are a !@#$#@^$%& ----> left for your own interpretation, number of characters doesnt really matter :)

i totally hate dishonest sellers, makes my blood boil when i come across such posts. im sure most of you guys here feel it too!
to all sellers: please state the exact condition of the items you wanna sell and if there are any disputes, try to deal with it ASAP and if you cant make it for an appointment, let the buyers know and arrange another one immediately and KEEP TO IT!

hahahah alrite im done! ok everyone i'll update you guys after this saturday if the seller makes another excuse to 'fly aeroplane'

lets rid the world of dishonest sellers, starting with SOFT forums :)
@viperman375: I understand what you mean and thanks for the reminder. But the guy is really asking for it when he defended his actions with calling the buyer a cheapskate when it's very clear that he's the one who's at fault here and makes ridiculous statements that the buyer should have done this and that. I know Beerman and he was really trying his best to meet up with Jason Chee last Saturday and he postponed/delayed some meetings just to make time for that. Then Saturday comes, seller acted like a fart - makes a stinking mess then disappear into thin air.

I agree that we should make soft a great place again to do trades/deals for music gear. After all, if you think about it, this is the largest and most active one. I sure do miss dealing with guys who used to be here like Shredcow, JoshuaK, Souljah, and many others from years ago that are just so easy and pleasurable to deal gear with.
Hey guys, let us stop calling him names or whatsoever.

If he has done wrong, let the buyer report the matter to the police.
But, please do try to solve the matter first. Let this forum be a good natured one as it was.

From the photo, maybe perhaps it was battery leakage?

Jason I would highly recommend that you resolve this issue and keeping the integrity of this avenue of musicial equipments trading.

At the end of the day it does not really matter who is right or not. SG as small as this industry is, let us keep whatever we have clean alright? If not it'll be so much of a pity.

Have a good day ahead everyone.
Cheers! =)

JasonChee doesn't seem to visit these parts of the forums much, so likely he won't even read most of the crusading. He's responded to this thread, what, once? And they weren't very useful responses.

People who have also dealt with JasonChee and are bringing up their experience deserve thanks, that's useful input. Myself as a third-party observer, I don't feel I know enough of what happened to condemn him, or either party.

First Off I did not avoid you. I said I dont do refunds after goods are sold and I was very busy during weekends. I did have plans to organize another meet to check it together and possibly get a friend of mine (who repairs guitar) to look at it but I dont think thats possible now! Besides I checked the MT2 before and it was working fine!! It is also your part responsibility to check goods before payment. You could have rejected the goods before payment. Bring your screwdriver down to check it or organize a meet at a music store to test it on the amplifier..... Whatever...

Second the original price (brand new) MT2 is about 210 odd dollars. I guess price of effects here are way more expensive than what you get in Phiippines! I sold it to you for only 70 because its Second hand. If you want everything to be so PERFECT you could always get a brand new one and stop being such a cheapskate!

Thridly, i have sold alot of items. Boss EQ7, Boss Overdrive, Boss Mega distortion, M audio Fast track pro, White Fender guitar and EJ 3 acoustic. None of these ppl had any issues!!! If everyone is gonna tell me this little problem that little problem do u expect me to refund everyone??

Forthly, if you have so much time on hand to take whatever photos and spam every selling thread i post why dont u just bring it down to a guitar repair shop and get all the damages(you CLAIMED) fixed up??

To Nefianz If you want a refund for the ventage guitar i can do it. But it seems to me you have already sold it for a better price than the price i offered!

I wasn't suppose to reply here but after reading your reply and calling Beerman as "CHEAPSKATE" really pisses me off...so are you implying to call your buyers here at SOFT as 'cheapskate' because their buying secondhand???

For your info, we are here at SOFT to find gears that we need and that other fellow musicians aren't using anymore or are offloading.
This makes for a good and healthy forum where we help each other.

Please don't ruin the integrity of this forum.
Just return the money dude... 70 sgd for your reputation is not worth it.... judging by your post you seem to sell more stuff worth hundreds for $$ now no one will buy your stuff just because you did not settle this small issue...
"Second the original price (brand new) MT2 is about 210 odd dollars. I guess price of effects here are way more expensive than what you get in Phiippines! I sold it to you for only 70 because its Second hand. If you want everything to be so PERFECT you could always get a brand new one and stop being such a cheapskate."

Here's a givewaway that you're totally ignorant on gear markets. First, you got ripped off by a shop that sells for almost thrice the price of a new one then you think that you're doing a big service to a Filipino because you sold a defective MT-2 for "only" 70sgd.

I deal with used and new pedals and I buy stuff here because they are so much cheaper. For those who don't know yet, here's an example: a used DS-1 here wouldn't normally sell if it's higher than 60sgd and it's been that way since 2006 at least, regardless of the forex. In the Philippines, 90sgd is considered a fair deal nowadays and before the recession, you can even sell at 110sgd if mint condition. If what you're statement would be true, I wouldn't be able to do it unless I do it out of charity.

So in your own logic, if Beerman is a cheapskate for wanting a functional used MT-2 for 70sgd, then what would you call a guy who just sold off his name and reputation for the same amount?
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Looks like I do not even have to bring part 2 of the story in.

Anyways even after a decade of buying/selling online, I've learnt another lesson from this saga and have invested in a portable mini amp

To BeerF***KING MAN (Bitchman)

Beerman! I did not schedule to meet you on the weekend! You called me up and ask me which days I would be free?? I said I should be free on saturday. So I guess its you who scheduled to meet me over the weekend. You did!! because you ask me when would i be free and not the other way around! Then Saturday comes I told you I cant meet you that day as I was very busy. I did not in any way avoid you! Also I did not state I will not meet you in the future if i happen to have the time. In my conversation I also state that I dont usually do refunds, And you got really pissed about it.

If you are unhappy or felt that I have cheated your money in any possible way there are alot of other ways you could get ur anger back instead of being a little bitchman and do what girls usually do, spaming all my sell threads and trying or even thinking that would INTIMIDATE ME!

BeerF***ker... As for the Options here... let me give you a couple:-

1) call up the police and make a police report if your really that unhappy. Be my guest Because I know I sell good stuff at good prices.
2) It is every buyers responsibility to check the goods before they purchase. Dont tell me you walk into a guitar store and dont bother to test the guitar on the amplifier before buying. Then you are a really stupid BEERF***ER!
3) Go back to your country!!!

So just to let everyone know here:-

If BeerF***ker thinks he can screw me up here by posting a couple of photos and saying a couple of shit about me, I have proof that i sell genuine stuff here on soft and stuff that works because I do check the items I sell.

Heres a list of other people I sold my stuff to who trusted me, did not complain about me, are happy with the purchase they made and unlike Beerf***ker did not react like a little lovelovelovelovelove and say shit about me on soft.sg :

Nadhir (98659472) Sold Maestro Acoustic guitar EJ3
Dr axe, from house of axe east coast road Sold cream colored fender
Forgot his name (93250534) Sold M-Audio Fast Track Pro
Manap Ali Sold Boss EQ7
Dude who drove his dads bmw, Sold Boss SD1 and Boss Mega Distortion.

Just to let everyone know, Im not an effects/ guitar dealer. Im just someone who has decided to stop playing electric guitar as i havent touched my stuff in a while. im just selling all the ORIGINAL stuff which i bought at first hand prices, at what i would call a cheap and reasonable price to would be buyers.

BeerF***ker. I said a brand new boss mt2 is now $210+ at Sweelee. I did not arrogantly state i got it brand new and drew a comparison against the price I paid when i bought it. I drew it against the brand new price of a piece of MT2 at sweelee. And to answer your question, yes, i did purchase it brand new years back.

And you are seriously a cheapskate for even trying to haggle with me to sell you the mt2 for 50 bucks before.

Lastly, I dont think you hurt my reputation in any way!!! I think the only thing you did was show everyone how STUPID AND UNREASONABLE YOU ARE AND THAT YOU ARE A DISGRACE AND SCUM TO YOUR COUNTRY!

U have my number? I have ur number too...
BeerF***KER (98523130)
"Second the original price (brand new) MT2 is about 210 odd dollars. I guess price of effects here are way more expensive than what you get in Phiippines! I sold it to you for only 70 because its Second hand. If you want everything to be so PERFECT you could always get a brand new one and stop being such a cheapskate."

Here's a givewaway that you're totally ignorant on gear markets. First, you got ripped off by a shop that sells for almost thrice the price of a new one then you think that you're doing a big service to a Filipino because you sold a defective MT-2 for "only" 70sgd.

I deal with used and new pedals and I buy stuff here because they are so much cheaper. For those who don't know yet, here's an example: a used DS-1 here wouldn't normally sell if it's higher than 60sgd and it's been that way since 2006 at least, regardless of the forex. In the Philippines, 90sgd is considered a fair deal nowadays and before the recession, you can even sell at 110sgd if mint condition. If what you're statement would be true, I wouldn't be able to do it unless I do it out of charity.

So in your own logic, if Beerman is a cheapskate for wanting a functional used MT-2 for 70sgd, then what would you call a guy who just sold off his name and reputation for the same amount?

+2stop insulting people and think about how to clean up your mess~
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