Wanting to get a change out of my stock Infinity pickups


New member
Hi guys, am currently owning an Ibanez RG350M and I want to change the stock pups out.

I prefer versatality as I play stuff from old school rock (AC/DC) to Metal (BFMV).

I went to dimarzio's site and tried out the pickup finder and shortlisted the following according to my preferences

Neck position:

1) Air Norton
2) PAF Pro

Bridge position:

1) Tone Zone
2) D-Activator
3) Breed Bridge

Middle position:

1) Need some advise? (would prefer hum cancelling and sound like a strat/tele)

If anyone has anything to comment about any of the above pups or has something better to recommend, please let me know!

Thanks!! :p
hmmm for bfmv stuff, d-activators might be a bit overkill. the tone zone is ur best bet. as for mid, if u want hum cancelling, see the area series from dimarzio. i'm currently using the area 58 for my strat neck and i cant seem to make myself switch pickup unless i'm playing power chords with loads of distortion and i want the crunch of a humbucker.
air norton + tonezone combination a little too modern sounding for AC/DC IMO. Would you consider any other brands by any chance?
I recently just changed my pickups on my rg370dx as well, and i must comment that its really a massive improvement in tone.

I swapped the complete set out with DiMarzio Air Classic in neck, True Velvet in middle, and Tone Zone in bridge.

My tastes range from classic rock like AC/DC and Guns and Roses, to bluesmen like BB King and SRV, and more modern sounds like Steve Vai. If versatility is what you're looking for, the Tone Zone in the bridge and the Air Classic in the neck is not too bad a combination. I haven't had much time to experience with the true velvet, i'm having waaaay too much fun with the bridge and neck alone. But it's a nice twangy strat sound, with little or no hum on my side.

Regarding getting the classic tones you're looking for, you could try playing around with the volume and tone knobs on the guitar and amp to get the sound. Rolling off the tone will help to get the meaty power chords, and switching over to the bridge will help with the crazy solos.

If you want more information on the pickups, you could give Swee Lee Bras Basah a visit. They have a catalogue with the different pickup offerings from DiMarzio, and the staff there can give more sound advice (pun not intended). :p