Want to jam and have fun? join TRAFFIC JAMS! june 3rd

Yes, we do have room for everyone. Hehehe....!! But we'll take our turn to play I guess. The more the merrier. Genre wise, hey...it's an open genre. IT'S A JAM! We'll see what we can make it out to be.

1. Lazius(Drums and percussion)
2. Tetragrammaton(Guitar and Sitar)
3. Zulsad (Guitar)
4. Raman (Drums)
5. Victoria (Guitar)
6. John (Guitar)
7. Crawldaddy (Guitar and Vox)
8. BadgerS88 (drums)
9. BadgerS88 friend (kboard)
10. Sam(guitar again)
cool..I think I might have to book a larger room....:)

List updated as follows:

1. Lazius(Drums and percussion)
2. Tetragrammaton(Guitar and Sitar)
3. Zulsad (Guitar)
4. Raman (Drums)
5. Victoria (Guitar)
6. John (Guitar)
7. BadgerS88 (drums)
8. BadgerS88 friend (kboard)

Please add your name to participate in the Jam free
Yes, Keyboardist!! You're in!!! If you just wanna join the fun! Hmm....We don't seem to have any vocals here! HEY VOX OUT THERE....COME IN AND JOIN THE TRAFFIC JAM!!

List updated as follows:

1. Lazius(Drums and percussion)
2. Tetragrammaton(Guitar and Sitar)
3. Zulsad (Guitar)
4. Raman (Drums)
5. Victoria (Guitar)
6. John (Guitar)
7. BadgerS88 (drums)
8. BadgerS88 friend (kboard)
9. sam (guitarist)
10. iman (bassist)

Please add your name to participate in the Jam free..I managedc to get an extra amp so that three guitarist can jam. i hope this helps.
Hey guys!

I was thinking of adding songs for the 'repertoire'. At least we are 'prepared' and know what to expect. I'll contribute 2 songs and the rest of you guys and can add some more.

1. Johnny Be. Goode
2. Highway Star

We'll make it free and easy, We can play what we're comfortable at. No hard and fuss rule here. No one is above anyone. It's not a contest, it's just a fun Jam. Don't be shy and don't be arrogant too! Hehehe....!!! Just play.

Hey Laz, thanks for the updates on the amps. If we're outta songs, we'll just really Jam the blues........hehehe.....!!!!

Can all the songs we thinking of playing be improvised?

No need to follow the scores/tabs HAHA.

For drums its cool, not sure bout guitars/keyboard etc. :)
1. Lazius(Drums and percussion)
2. Tetragrammaton(Guitar and Sitar)
3. Zulsad (Guitar)
4. Raman (Drums)
5. Victoria (Guitar)
6. John (Guitar)
7. Crawldaddy (Guitar and Vox)
8. BadgerS88 (drums)
9. BadgerS88 friend (kboard)
10. Sam(guitar again)
11. dyke(drums) [haha! probably looking around.. still shy to play sia]
1. Lazius(Drums and percussion)
2. Tetragrammaton(Guitar and Sitar)
3. Zulsad (Guitar)
4. Raman (Drums)
5. Victoria (Guitar)
6. John (Guitar)
7. Crawldaddy (Guitar and Vox)
8. BadgerS88 (drums)
9. BadgerS88 friend (kboard)
10. Sam(guitar again)
11. dyke(drums) [haha! probably looking around.. still shy to play sia]
12. visa (bass)

Hey Fluxus,

You're welcome to record it. Who knows it might turn out to be better than expected. Hehehe....!! Different musicians from different background. Best of all, none of us has ever met before. So, it'll either turn to be 'garbage' or One Master Piece! Hehehehe.....!!! Whatever the result is, we are not worry as we are plainly for FUN! And there's no rules on what to play and how to play. We play what we best know of. That's the name of the game.


Hey, I think I know you guys from Peninsula Shopping Centre. Hehehe...!!!
is there gona be a traffic jams 2?
cos i'm not sure if i can make it on 3rd june.
But if i can count me in.

1. Lazius(Drums and percussion)
2. Tetragrammaton(Guitar and Sitar)
3. Zulsad (Guitar)
4. Raman (Drums)
5. Victoria (Guitar)
6. John (Guitar)
7. Crawldaddy (Guitar and Vox)
8. BadgerS88 (drums)
9. BadgerS88 friend (kboard)
10. Sam(guitar again)
11. dyke(drums) [haha! probably looking around.. still shy to play sia]
12. visa (bass)
13. Myner (drums)

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