VPOST, Paypal, Ebay


New member
since there is no forum for generic gear-related topics and the music kopitiam is for losers, i thought i'd try asking here:

is it possible for me to make an ebay purchase, pay for it using paypal, and then have it shipped to my VPOST po box?

currently, my paypal a/c is linked to my ebay a/c. my paypal a/c has a verified singapore address. under retarded paypal rules, i cannot add or change to a non-singapore address.

1. open a new paypal a/c where i can input US addresses. would i have to go through the trouble of linking it to my ebay a/c?.

2. try to get the seller to ship to an address that is different from my paypal address (provided the seller is willing to do it). this would either be my VPOST address or to my jackass friend studying in USA who takes days to reply my msgs.

my main concern is that i might fall outside of ebay/paypal buyer protection if i try to go around the problem, in particular the paypal part.

how do you guys do it :confused:
1 <- doesnt really matter, you can just add the address from paypal
2 <- its alll depends on how cooperative the seller is

And regard the main concern, its best to consult and hear it from an actual paypal staff, cos at the end of the day you'll be claiming protection from paypal if anything happens.
Since eBay and PayPal accounts are linked, simply key into your My eBay -> Addresses page all the new addresses that you wish to ship to. This can be in any country and can include your vpost addy.

When you win the bid, choose to send it to the address of your choice. Pay by PayPal.

The next time you pay for something by PayPal - even if you pay for goods off eBay - the address should show up in your PayPal list when you select the address to ship the goods to. It will also be stated as a PayPal confirmed address (since it was confirmed, albeit through eBay not PayPal).

You are right that PayPal accounts are purely tied in to the country of origin. If you set up a US PayPal account, eventually you might need to provide proof of your residence there (eg via a phone bill) - otherwise you will get your account suspended. this is to minimize chances of money laundering and fraud.
i can't add a US address into my paypal because i used a Singapore address to register. if i add an address i can only be a local one

HOWEVER i can add addresses into ebay. if i win a bid, i can instruct the seller to ship to my address specified by ebay, right? regardless of whatever address is used for paypal. after all, i am bidding using my ebay account and not the paypal account.

just checking to see if anyone has similar experience... i don't want to learn the hard way, then it could get very complicated :(
Yes, anyone can add US address in paypal. But if our credit card is Singapore Credit Card, the address will be non confirm address. The seller of the item in ebay will be able to see this.

I got my bid rejected several times because the seller only wants to deal with confirm address.
my ebay account suspeneded due to my ebay is registered as US account (i'm using borderlinx, so i put my primary address as USA borderlinx's address)

my paypal was regsitered as SG, they thought i'm trying to cheat moonie or what, so they suspended my account.

after speaking to someone from ebay, i changed my ebay to singapore with a SG address as the primary shipping address, the suspend was lifted. Now my shippping address is the borderlinx address.

but more importantly, u have to convince the seller to ship the item to whatever address u want, be it vpost or oversea shipping, some will say ur borderlinx/vpost address is invalid
as i mentioned, if you import the PP address via eBay it will show up in your list of PP addresses. my Vpost address is reflected as a PP confirmed address because I have closed eBay transactions without issue via that address. Maybe you might also need a Premier account, have it verified and have previously accepted a payment into that PP account.

You can always call up a customer service rep and ask them. Hopefully that'll work for you.
Just to reassure: I've got two Ebay shipping addresses (local + VPOST), and one paypal verified address.

I've brought in stuff via VPost, paid by paypal. Works great!

What I hate though is that I can never seem to remember to print out the right invoice that VPost requests (with the seller's location).:p But they've been good in matching my packages thus far!
What I hate though is that I can never seem to remember to print out the right invoice that VPost requests (with the seller's location).:p But they've been good in matching my packages thus far!

Ahh they don't need that :) I just usually forward them the PayPal invoice and drop a note to give them the merchant's eBay ID / location if i have that. Otherwise, they'll figure it out on their own!
