Vox ad30vt VS peavey classic

p00n said:
by the way anyone knows how much a new peavey classic 30 would cost? i heard like around $500 or so

Really? a full 30 watt all tube amp for 500 bucks???? Can't be.

Anyway...I juz did a check on Musician's Friend, it cost 449USD, so that would be bout 800++SGD

oops my bad didnt check in swee lee.. they not very friendly with people walking in and just look look see see
p00n said:
they not very friendly with people walking in and just look look see see

Which guitar shop is friendly and you can go in just look look see see. Every guitar shop is like this. Only luthermusic let us try even we're not buying.
i went into music plaza and said to try their amp but tested a new guitar i was buying that i brought along myself :D
Get the Peavey Classic 30, is best for the price. Get the mod (go to blueguitar.org) or mod it your self mm... I think I'm gonna get this one day :) I like the look too, classic!

look here 3 hours more and is still 200bucks 8O
here buy it now only 300bucks!

You can get it cheaper, all you need is just to be patient!

Like me here I got my best deal so far look:
350 bucks Bluesbreaker, the seller said it was owned by Erros of SO7 (sheila on 7) I don't know, I don't care! is cheap :)

I love it and mod it to JTM45 ;) one day I'm gonna post the sound of my cheapo modded chandler guitar! into my modded BB ;) you're not gonna believe it![/quote]
that amp look well taken care of. $350USD? The price is unbelievable, what a great bargain. Wish there could be such deal in singapore.
hey would anyone want the vox? cos i decided against it cos my mum decided to get me a brand new vox :D :D :D :D

and i dun think its nice negotiating with him for so long then decide not to... its $280 provided theres collection from kembagan mrt... and reply asap cos he only book out tomorrow and next weekend
8) right... maybe she has like loose change of a few grand to spare... lol

oh actually correction shes paying the DIFFERENCE for a new amp... so i fork out $280 and she comes out with the rest for a brand new one in city music... cool enough for me :D :D :D

oh any takers? mrmisse i heard you were eager to get it.. $280 1 month old 11 more months warranty, from city music, with reciept and all... got manuals and such
lol not really but she feels safer for me to get new one cos scared i kana cheated or something.. but hey thats totally cool with me
haha.. damn it.. stop tempting me!!!..
no lah.. i have decided against it.. if i sneak in a new pedal, my wife might not notice.. but an amp???.. No Way!!!.. [/quote]
come on lah.. eh buy like 2 pedals = this amp

but can help to find buyer? feel guilty suddenly give up deal
i'll look around for a buyer too..

like i said it's the size of it.. i don't have space for another amp.. got 4 at home right now..