Vox ad30vt VS peavey classic


New member
hi, can i have your opinion?

im stuck in a decisoin between this two amps, the Vox AD30VT (hybrid) VS the Peavey Classic 20 (discontinued, all tube)...

the vox was going for like $300 brand new used once and the peavey was $250 (4-5 years) with new set of 12ax7 tubes free.. i was wondering which one people here would be inclined to.. i like the vox because it seems more versatile with all the inbuilt effects and stuff and the peavey cos its all tube and perhaps a great buy cos its like a 15 watt tube for $250..
oh man that's a tough choice.. one is a vox n one is an all tube..
hmmm... well i would say BUY THEM ALL!!..
how often do you come across a valvetronix for $300 or an all tube amp for $250???..

well if you are buying one, tell me where to get the other n i'll grab it..
hah believe me i would.. except my budget is a bit on the tight side after i got a les paul and budgeting for a set of emgs... glad you see my dire dilemma... argh and im pretty sure its going to be snapped up soon.. need to try out both first
yeh gotta try.. always..
if u r going to try, n decide not to buy please ask the seller to call me or pass me his number..

for me, without trying.. i would take the Vox..
hmm i guess that i would try out the vox first seeing how fast people would be prepared to buy it like you did in the above post haha i think the peavey guy isnt really in a big hurry to sell off the amp anyway
well it also depends on what kind of music you are into..

if u are into british shit.. like radiohead, smiths, beatles etc.. then it's vox (it's british anyway).. n if you r into american crap.. then it's peavey.. haha.. no offence to any mentioned above n also the stereotyping, it's jus me..
Oh man, I'd love to get the Peavey at that price. Say, can I 'book' the Peavey if you're not buying it too? :wink:
woah now people want BOTH the peavey and the vox... but a tube isnt really that great unless cranked right? i cant crank an amp without inviting police here
well u can bring it to the prison to play.. haha.. setup a studio in there.. n earn some bucks.. heheh.. sorry, i have a mind of a kid..
haha oh yeah i heard that tube amps are like better for pedaling (as in putting pedals).. does anyone have any experience with that? oh and is the proco rat 2 a good buy or can that distorton / overdrive be gotten from a tube amp? cos i heard some sound clip and thought woah thats like really what i want *cue for mrmisse to start marketing*
i dun think tube or solid state makes much of a difference when pedals are thrown in.. ultimately it's what you r looking for.. so it's best that you actually bring your own guitar n setup n try out the amp, it abit of a hassle but u dun wanna get disappointed when u get home.. some combination works well but others don't, even when good stuff are being put together..

well.. heheh.. for the rat2.. i would say it's an edgy distortion with pristine clarity.. i use it in my pedalboard.. come down n try later or tomorrow lah..
Wow... dude, ur so lucky to have come across those two deals! That's really cool. Personally, I'd go for the tube. But you should keep in mind that you'll need to change the tubes and they cost :roll:
haha the peavey seller giving free 2 12ax7 tubes for the power amp so i think its quite ok so long theres someone to help me change.. argh now i want BOTH amps
Juz keep in mind taht EMGs are pretty darn hot so u might have a hard time getting good cleans from the Peavey Classic........

Yes, very important point raised by Metallibeast. EMGs are pretty high-output stuffs and would most likely drive your full-tube amp easily. Not sure if the Volume control would help reduce the output?

Keep in mind that 20 watts Full-tube is much louder than your 20 watt Solid-state. Also, the cost of re-tubing the fella might be quite an expensive affair (power-amp tubes are Ex, getting a technician to bias the tubes etc)

I've also read up that the Classic 20 doesn't have a Standby mode... think that would cause your tubes to have a shorter life-span.

The Vox one seems like a very nice amp. Any reviews from anyone using Vox stuffs?

cant help but to chip in :D bout the tube amp thingy. The 12ax7 tube(preamp tube) need no special rules or methods to replace. Its just a plug and remove it, then align the new tube with the pins align to the hole and put it in. Just that.

As for expensive tubes, most that can be bought easily,(Electro harmonix/sovtek etc) are not that expensive, imho. Its those tubes that are no longer in production, but available as new old stock(nos) that cost quite a bit.
oops seems like the peavey classic got sold... :( and im also of the opinion that the vox is still a good buy... how much is it selling for now brand new? he offering me $280 presently.. did i mention theres 11 month warranty left? and he only used it once after he bought it for a month and now selling for a marshall tube 8O

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