volume levelling on DAW


New member
hi guys i need some help. any protools users here? how do i master my track so the volume is uniform with tracks from other cds? mine's always soft and it's been bugging me how do i rectify this in protools? thanks!
Yea Pro Tools user here. What you wish to do is part of something call Mastering. Mastering has got many stuffs, so I shall not go into that. You shall do your own research. However, if you merely just wanna boost up your level, the most easy way is to use a brickwall limiter/maximizer. Personally, I don't really use alot of Pro Tools' default plug-ins. I uses mostly three party plug-ins. And I don't remember Pro Tools installer comes with their own default brickwall limiter/maximizer.
like what squarehero have said, get your mixing balance right first, cos it will compliment the limiter best when it kicks in.

and also what sj26 mentioned it is part of the many things in Mastering, here's an example , basically it's recorded for fun and mixed by the guitarist of Afterburn (he's only 16 and just started recording/mixing) but the mix wasn't so great of cos, so to demonstrate what mastering can be done is either add "final touches" or in other terms if the mix is bad .. "salvage-mastering" haha. btw the soft mix is his and the louder is my mastering. it alternates fast at first then it'll alternate slower later in the song. nothing could be done much on the drums as he downloaded the "drums-only" from YOUTUBE which most of the highs have disappeared..