Visual Sound, Effector13 pedals + pedalboard + used gear...

This is going to be crazy, it was just being advertised at for a while and all the 12 set they have are all sold out!!!


16 Second Digital Delay NEW!!!
The long anticipated reissue of the classic 16 Second Digital Delay. EH redesigned the circuit with modern components but kept the functionality the same as the original, improving on it where needed.

The new 16 Second works in more musical formats of Bars, Beats and Tempo instead of seconds. Now you can create loops by setting the number of bars and the tempo. After recording a loop, you can play along with it, overdub as many layers as you like on top of it, or punch in and out to fix performance mistakes. it;s also enviromentally friendly: after recording a loop, the 16 Second will automatically save the loop into it Magna Storage and keep it there. you can turn the power off, come back the next day and Play or Overdub the loop as if you never turned the 6 Second off. You can bring the 16 Second to a recording studio or even another continent and it will keep your loops sage in its memory.

-Record for MORE than 4 minutes
-Keep the loop in memory after power cycling
-Change the Pitch and Tempo of the loop in 1/2 step increments, with a
total range of 2 octaves
-Change the Tempo of the loop while the pitch remains constant
-Reverse the loops while playing back. Overdub on top of the reverse
-Use Loop Mode as as short delay mode to make it a true echo pedal
-Add Sweep to your loops or use the 16 Second as a Flanger/Chorus
-Seperate control over the Dry Output, Efx Output and Clix Output signals
-Analog Input Gain control with Signal and Clip LEDs
-Maintainvisual indication of the tempo with two LEDs that blink on the
-Control with 3 footswitchs Record, Play and Bypass
MIDI fuctionable
-Connect an external Remote Foot Controller for hands free operation