Video of Killer Exercise - me playing

thank you very much.

I am also working on a video to give a closer insight to the traditional grip. Hopefully it would help improve the techniques of those using traditional grip and also create interest in those who wants to use the traditional grip.
nice man , but after looking at the video ,i think u should practise with a metronome next time man , not saying urr not good but your timing kinda change abit whenever you change from a single-double-parradiddle. (u slowed down alot when u did the parradiddle)
but anyways great job man! ( : love to see more videos from u
Have been a big fan of Joe Morello for some time. A lot of people dont realize he is partially blind which makes him so much more amazing but makes a mere mortal out of us :)

It is a good video but Joe's technique and what he will well known for is not so much speed BUT stick control. In the videos, he exercised stick control as the main focus. Your video focused too much on speed and when you get up to speed, your timing is off and your stick control is also off. Your downbeats are higher and your double strokes are not symmetrical with both hands.

As I have said, Joe is famous for his stick control in Dave Brubeck's time: Check out at 4:23 he flawlessly switches from his effortless singles to a double stroke, and it’s … it’s mind blowing to me. That is the purpose of stick control. Not to mention his bass drum starts kicking out this rapid fire precision pulse that would impress 99.9% of today’s death metal drummers (at least their right foot, anyway).

Hope you dont mind the constructive criticisms. I cannot even do half of what you have done in the video so am not in a position to correct anyone. Just that I know the main focus of his killer exercises is to develop stick control.
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i have a few things to say. this is coming from someone who is also learning to improve his (supercrappywtf-ery) technique. take it for what it's worth. i'm not flaming. (btw i also play traditional grip)

your single strokes are decent, bordering good. they start off well but after a few seconds you can hear them starting to flam SLIGHTLY. unless you listen intently, or you're an asshole like me, you wouldn't be able to hear them. but anyway they're much faster than what i can play. i've only just started so i'm still going slow. trying to work on articulation and even-ness.

your double strokes are, not that good actually. they're not even and your technique is quite off. i see your right hand moving much MUCH more than your left hand, causing an accent in the strokes. double strokes are meant to be as even as single strokes. my goal is always to make sure my single strokes and double strokes are indiscernible. what you have is power. my double strokes at that speed loses in power, partly because i'm cautious of playing them with an accent. that's one area you have to work on.

paradiddles. same issue as above. strokes are not even. speed-wise if you can achieve even strokes at that speed it'll be good. this time your left hand has a very big action. for myself, i can't play paradiddles that fast. i should practice more.

have fun drumming. BTW, i'm from SP too. :D.
No offense, but even on the slow parts, your strokes are not very consistent or even. Work on the slow parts with even consistent subdivisions and stick heights.
Speed is nothing with control!

Happy practicing! =)
hey hahah no prob man , maybe just practise a speed which is slightly above your comfort level , and make sure your stroke are super even and clean , close your eye to see if they sound the same hahah u make look retarded while doing this thou hahah but yea , your stroke will be much much better , speed is not really that impt unless your into metal of course ( :