Very noisy background when pedal is turned on..not sure why


New member
Hi bros,

need some advice. I have a HT Blackstar Dist and also a HT5 amp. I realised that whenever i turn on the pedal the background noise is quite noisy when the guitar is on idle. Not sure why. Had the same problem previously on my Marshall MG15 but the sound wasnt that loud. Now on the HT5 it seems louder. Tried diff guitars also same issue. Anyone can advice? Both amp and pedal are on 3 pin plugs so they're properly grounded i guess...
first of, these are couple of term which can be used to describe the noise, to give better idea.

1) High pitch screeching sound which is usually refered as feedback

2) Loud hissing sound with combo of high pitch screeching feedback as 1)

3) Loud humming sound when not touching the strings and lowered volume of the humming sound when one is touching the strings or any other metallic part of the geetar

Other than the above, do also mentioned the gain level, volume level of the amp, pedals etc.
HI there,

its more of the humming sound actually. Not much of hissing or high pitch screeching but definitely alot of humming.

Gain on amp is none. On the pedal is about 3/4.
Volume even on low volumes i can hear it.
Hum is normal on a high gain pedal esp with single coils whether it is on low or high volumes. However, if the hum is present and can be heard while playing its not normal.

It could be the guitar grounding/ pickups, the PSU or other pedals that might be causing the hum. What guitar, PSU and pedal chain do you have?
After many trial and error i realised its the guitar pickups..not that its faulty or anything but the P90s are damn noisy when the overdrive is switched on.. Is there any noise cancellation thinggy or something out there that one can get? Getting dam irritating espescially when i crank up the volume with the overdrive.
Was googling to find out some solutions.. many noise reduction pedals out there that can solve this issue..but not sure which one to try.. Anyone used any that can recommend?
First off, have you tried running the HT pedal as normal then rolling off your guitar's volume knob off completely? If you haven't, try that and see if there is a hum. If so, then that would be your pedal's noise.

Now since you seemed to have determined it's the pickups, maybe you should get some good p90 pickups. They definitely are more susceptible to noise than a strat's or a tele's single coil because of their physical properties. A noise gate may help but may affect your sound. If I may suggest, have a look at Lindy Fralin's noiseless P-90s or dimarzio's. I'm not sure of what sound you are looking for nor do I have enough experience with the P90s so just look at several makers who offers the tone and less noise which will suit your needs.
Thanks for all the advice bro. For short term i managed to pick up the Beta Alvin Noise Gate at Peninsula just now. quite a cheap solution for $45 bucks... its hell alot better now dont hear any humming sound anymore with this baby!

Will try to trouble shoot also and check out the other P90s out there. Once again appreciate all the advice given here. Cheers!
pretty sure that noisegate is sucking tone now. does the sound go away when you're touching the strings? you can try grounding the electronics.
Firstly, it may be your power supply not matching impedance for your pedal chain. Try getting a OneSpot to power your pedal.

Secondly, it may be your cables connection facing some wiring issue. Get a new one.

Lastly, I remember something about changing a 2pin to a 3pin plug. (power adaptor)

P.S Plug overloading contributes to noise too.

Hope this helps !
does the noise stil continues even with humbucking pups and a noise gate?.. maybe you have turned on the channel2(distortion) of the amp at the same time with the distortion pedal.. thats x2 gain it will really add up some noise a single noisegate wont suffice..