Very Brit @ Zouk Pix


New member
Hey guys,

It was a great gig from GSE and Electrico wasn't it? Pity their sets were so short.
Here's some pix I took last nite.

Nice Stage

Great Spy Experiment





it was nice to meet you man last night!!! i forgot to ask. what lens you using?? new ones right?

anyways.. why cannot see my face???? biased ah?!?

hahah!! just kidding mate....
hey carlos, it was nice meeting you too. :)

haha..not biased lah..i just selected a few to post up. will post the rest up soon lah. :p
ya..was using a relatively new lens.

to GSE : thanks was a fun but pity short set. will let you know when the rest of the pix are done. i've got a backlog of pix to clear man. :(
lurgee: no worries.... superb photos as always man!!!!

fgl: where have you been??? you gonna be involved in powerjam 06?

lurgee: yeah man, the organisers actually wanted just two songs but we managed to squeeze in a third.. they were on a tight schedule as well.. but as short as it was, we loved every minute of it..

can't wait to see the rest of your photos.. oh and hope to see you at baybeats! :)
carlos : thank u thank u..finally got a chance to meet u and grab some pix of u in action. haha. :p

GSE : was a great 3 songs! enjoyed it too. :) I love Class A love affair!
Okie..see u at baybeats! I've not decided if I wanna take pix at baybeats though..applied for a photopass but got rejected. :p
Nice pix Perplexed! :)
Good to meet you again. Heh.

That pic of Daniel was done in cam with flash. No photoshop involved. I don't photoshop my photos too much. :)
we're glad you did have fun dude...

we also hope that we managed to entertain every single person that any way at all.....