Unusual Midi instruments


After the midi trumpet, I remembered seeing some unusual midi instruments around. Thought I might as well share what is happening. If anyone comes across something unusual please add!

Here they are:

Xylosynth (midi xyplophone)



Midi Harp



Midi "Fingerboard"



wow! how do you play this Fingerboard ?

certainly there should be a column for 'other instruments/brass'
saw the jordan ruddess demo on the fingerboard ... IT'S AWESOME !! 8)

would love to get one myself

but after I've seen the price tag (US$5290.00)

I decided to hold that tought :cry:
just a tought

is it really practical to have a xylophone synth when keyboards or normal midi controller can do the job and have the same expressiveness ?
This is something like Pink floyd's guitar...you will get some sweet sounds out of it rather than getting from a synth or a real one !!
Mr_KeyboardMan said:
just a tought

is it really practical to have a xylophone synth when keyboards or normal midi controller can do the job and have the same expressiveness ?

Percussive midi controllers are best used for percussive instruments. Keyboards are difficult to play some percussive styles especially those tremelos. An example for a usage of the midi xylophone will be to trigger steel drums or tubular bells samples - maybe even tympanis! But you're right - pretty limited.
hmm ... true, you can simulate the tremolos using the effects on the synth just hold the key but i guess the sound wouldn't be "humane" enough ... so i guess the xylosynth can do more on this part. But it's too limited for practical use so i guess it's not that popular. For the fingerboard, maybe it's too expensive for a midi instrument that's why it's not that popular although it's very expressive. With that price you can buy a really high end synth
Oh, another nice instrument for the midi xylophone to play would be the angklung. I can already imagine how it would sound like....

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