University's Musical Production

Hey guys!

There will be a musical production coming up this October and we are looking for musicians who have experience in playing bass, guitar, and drums.

Open auditions would be coming up, expect it to be in one to two weeks' time from now.
(30 July - 10 August 2012)

It is going to be an unpaid performance, and it is just to have fun!

PM me to know more details regarding auditions and songs to prepare.;)

Hope to hear from all ya'll.

Thank you!
Exploit, maybe. Just looking out for "external talent market" apart from our own school's pool.

And if musicians agree on a willing accord, have time to spare, currently free, and don't mind performing for the experience & fun, why not?

I would.

I have received many replies, thank you all for the interest! :)
Not trying to fault you, but i like to remind you that musicians put in time and effort to practice/ rehearse, $ is definitely involved, they need to feed themselves too. there is no free lunch in this world, i feel sad that musicians here play and never get paid...
There are plenty of exposure around here...appreciation is needed much :/
Well done Efex i totally agree with you. Even guitar strings drumsticks nd to buy. Nothing free in this world
hey my fren ,if dere any more shows u need performing , do give me a call aite at 96525614 , my band and i love to perform for d sake of performing ahhah