Univalve Clip


New member
Hi all,

Here's my first attempt on video-taping a demo clip.


Obviously the playing standard requires a lot of improvement as does the video-taking, but I thought it would be good to just put something out for all the enquiries I've been getting on the Univalve.

For the clip, I used a HSS Tom Anderson through a Eminence Audio cable into the Univalve which was connected to a Tophat cab via an Eminence Audio speaker cable. The cab was loaded with a Celestion GH30.

Ps - James has been kind enough to host the clip till my new website is up, hence if you try to visit my site, you'll find its still down.

think the univalve is $1580? anyways, very nice sound. love it. thks for posting it. and it sure looks better than the marshall...hehe
fibredrive said:
think the univalve is $1580? anyways, very nice sound. love it. thks for posting it. and it sure looks better than the marshall...hehe

Yup, Fibredrive you are correct.

SGD 1,580 is the present pricing.

Thanks for the complements on the looks .... the Univalve gets that a lot! :D
ChanMin said:
vernplum , i think marc doesnt really have a shop space... if im not wrong the amps are at his home.


Chan Min's right. The amps are in my 'lil studio room at home.
Damo said:
Nice work Mark, I am enjoying univalve very much thanks for your help with the sale.


Hello Damian, thanks for the complement.

Guys, Damian is actually the owner of the Univalve you see in the clip. The THD demo stock I have right now is the Flexi 50 which is the set just below the Univalve.

Damian, ... I just had to record some of the stuff coming from the amp before you picked it up for delivery. :oops: :oops:
JMguitars said:
The amps are in my 'lil studio room at home.

oh my god... that room..i remember that room... its kinda like the AMP PORN room... but alittle smaller and less extravagant... but still amazing nonetheless.
The bulb is actually the noise suppression circuit. According to a review on the THD website:

"The Univalve is exceptionally low-noise, but activating the noise-reduction feature reduces the buzz from single-coil guitars and other sources by placing a small incandescent light in parallel with the speaker load. Here’s
how it works: When you’re not playing, the bulb’s cool filament is at a lower impedance than the speaker, which allows it to absorb the noise signal. As you start playing and the filament heats up, its impedance suddenly jumps into the 150Ω range, and the majority of the signal is shunted to the lower impedance speaker. It’s a brilliantly archaic noise gate (THD’s Andy Marshall
says the idea was conceived over 40 years ago), and you also get a nifty visual effect as the jeweled light brightens and dims in response to your playing."


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