Ultrasound @ The Arts House Chamber 13 July 12noon to 10.30pm


New member
Hi there,

There will be a gig held at Chamber located in The arts house on the 13th of July 2008 from 12pm to 10.30pm.

Address of venue:
The Arts house
Old Parliament Lane
Singapore 179429

Located near city hall mrt. Near Singapore Cricket Club.


Click on link to see venue.

1)Fine Print
2)Melting Ice
5)Xenophobic Sober
6)End of August
7)Stereo Attack
9)For this cycle
10)Abandoned The Armory
11)Private Eye
13)Fall of mexico
14)Arcane sound
15)doublequestion mark
16)topsy Krett

If u want to support any of these bands contact:
Nick 97971684(SMS ONLY) for tickets at $12

If u have a band and would like to be apart of this event here are some info for you. Please contact me fast as Last month was full very early. Thanks! Please read all the following information as all the information are here.

DEADLINE : 27th June 2008

Time Slot is drawn by lots
Minimum have to sell 20 tixs. (This is to ensure that u wont be playing to an empty club in the event that other guest leave after supporting the band they came for)
Ultrasound members will also sell 20 tickets but receive 5 guestlist for family and friends.

There will be no longer commission.
Bands who are able to sell more than 30tixs will receive $50.
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hey..the drums can u put like a brick or something infront of it.
cause the bass drum like gonna fall when the drummers are playing it on first june gig
bricks also not enough lah..some drummers hit the bass so hard even u put an elephant still seem like itz gonna fall.

i love this arts house chamber..but i hate those tix.
hello. I am Tharenii the guitarist from Stillborn.

I feel that ultrasound is just another money minded organization that is ripping off young talents. i dont see why you should sell 25 tickets and on top of that you must pay up for unsold tickets or they dont play. This is not right. If this is what "saving the local scene" is all about then screw the local scene. It just disappoints me that you are being very ironic about "saving the local scene" and grave robbing their creativity for self centered greed. This just portrays an image that these young bands are PAYING to PLAY! this is really outrageous.

My band has played a show with ultrasound. Its our first and last show there. The equipments provided was terrible. There were no monitors whatsoever the drums were lousy. The organiser was asking around if the other bands had double pedals because the drums provided didnt have any... this just shows how badly organized the organizer is. By paying to play, i feel that the bands are being taken advantage of with an illusion that they are given an opportunity to play live in public without knowing what is going on. Yes, 50 Dollars is given to the band IF they sell 30 tickets. (do the maths... 30 x 12 = 360 and 50/360 is about 1/7 of what you pay). We are not playing for the money. And i dont think its right to PAY to be playing. "Minimum have to sell 25 tixs. (This is to ensure that u wont be playing to an empty club in the event that other guest leave after supporting the band they came for)" If this is really true... then why pay up for the rest of the unsold tickets? the bands are not getting paid a cent if they dont sell 30... This is rather irrational.

I am just saying this not cause i have anything against anyone. Its just as a local musician and rationally thinking about what i can do to help the local scene. I think all of us have a say in how the scene should be... I am sick of hearing the sentence "local scene is dead. and Sinagpore scene has no standard"

Thank you.
Well, this topic are always there when 25 tix is concerned. Really disheartening to see these organizers up and going.

Hope your band had learn the lesson. When comes to selling tix, just be extra careful. $$$
sometimes its wierd we need to sell tix and pay for the remaining ones.
i hope the organiser do something bout it...
Daylight robbery.

And to bring one other point. The 1st june ultrasound. We were called to play. And when the time came, we find all means to contact the organizer and all but to no avail. U could have just say that you have enough bands and at the first place you shouldn't approach us to play. My bandmates took leave for the show and yesh, we called you and msg u countless times and we just dont bother to after some time.

And lastly, all the best for the daylight robbery event.
I mean... what can the organisers do if all the bands refused to play on the day itself? I just wished the scene isnt this dirty. Its not about 25 tickets or not... if they just give the tickets and tell us "try to sell it" its fine. plus... i think it also shows what lack of confidence this organisation is showing. If resourceful enough they wont depend on the bands mainly to bring a crowd. For example, Deafcon. Its a gig which not only showcase underdog bands which have potential, it also has a variety of genre's. The beauty of it is there is always a crowd.
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wooow... the organisers better have a good explanation for this.. sounds ugly so its time you saved your name and speak. tsk tsk tsk... wonder if these organisers play in bands to feel the pain..:) just a neutral party here ;)
Seriously! the organisers does not even know what they are doing.
I'm from stillborn, and i'm their drummer.

For about a week and a half before the gig, i've been trying to contact the organisers to clarify with them what equipments they had on drums. so i could do a calculation of what equipments to bring.


and just when my guitarist managed to get to them on msn. they tell us that they don't even know what equipment they have. and they left off with a lousy quote, "Er, one of our staff was incharge of the equipment, i don't know what equipment there will be. probably just standard.... you know... 5 piece kit, cymbals should be 2 crash and 1 china."

COME ON! any musician or someone who has been to a gig knows that you typically need a pair of hi-hats and a ride. totally got ZERO information about the gig settings that day.

Super DISorganised, organiser.

Oh yeah and about the ticket sales.
seriously if you don't pay us musicians, we understand. you guys aren't running a charity, you guys gotta rent the equipment and stuff. BUT making ticket sales a COMPULSORY event, its a totally different story.

I believe that I speak for the musicians here who have been pushed into a similar situation.
PLEASE, straighten out your act. if you're gona be a organiser. be organised. and sincerely ask for ticket sales, and not make it a compulsory, pay to play event.
LOL. Myner, chill bro.

A word of advice for these bands who Intend to be in their list, Please, think again.

When money comes into place, please beware on where your money goes to.

To audiences who wanna watch the show, please think again where your 12 bucks land into whose pocket.

To everyone, theres more good organizers out there who knows what they are doing.

Sorry if I sounded not offensive enough. :)
yeah!we have to pay them and 300 is alot for youth playing in the gig.let make it easy,most probably who are playing is a student and they earn each day is less than $10 and what they afford to buy is probably food and drink and yet this thing happens and if you never pay a full amount of it.they would make this matter worst.to police case or what.i mean wth is this?how can the music industry in this country can grow big.when such organiser just go for money and does not care anything about the band.its like pay us 300 than you can play if u neva pay we would screw u guys.and yeah my band perform on 1st june and im gonna say that the worst gig i ever play and screw the instrument.
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They have no clue bout the law :) Contracts can be voided if signed by underage. Thats from what I heard of.

James , we need your help, please remove all this threads. Your help is much appreciated. You should know who is the bad one here. Thanks bro.
The organiser still hasnt given explanation. I had to tell my friends "Eh please come man. like if we dont sell these 25 tickets, we cant play" their reaction was "where got such thing?"


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