Ultra premium link cable for music enthusiast


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Want a $5 network cable at only US$500?

From Denon's own website - they have a bi-directional arrow painted on the plug:
"Additionally, signal directional markings are provided for optimum signal transfer."

Check out some of the reviews at amazon:

Since my AV Receiver is literally 8000 miles from my other equipment, this cable was a godsend. It appears that the cable is only a few feet long, but when you connect one end to the receiver (make sure its the correct end!), it creates a wormhole that you can hand the other end through so your companion on the other side of the planet can plug it into the switchgear you have. I know they state than you can actually step only half way through the wormhole to plug it in yourself, but I was skeptical and was willing to only risk a hand, not half of my body.

MAKE SURE YOU BUY A AKDL1 COMPATIBLE SWITCH! When I tried this the first time, I just tried to go cheap and just plug it into a cheapo linksys on the other side, and I ended up poking some poor Japanese guy in the eye instead (NOWHERE NEAR MY SWITCH I MIGHT ADD!), and he said it caused a permanent injury. The saddest thing is that apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened to him! Sorry Mr. Fujimoto!


This cable is Evil.

When I recived my cable I installed it to my new computer. I have plug it in my network adapter and my router. As soon as i have plugged it the computer boot by itself. The mouse and keyboard were not working anymore. It booted up with a strange OS that i never heard of The logo was the Devil . then it start to download a lot of thing. Once it has finished the cable just stop gloing. The new cable than unplug itself and started to walk in my room , I hide myself so it wont catch me . But my dog was not so lucky , the cable started to strangle him and killed my dog then the cable eat it like a snake .

I took my axe and cut the cable in two. the cable is dead , my dog too , But i am still alive .

Don't buy that evil cable plz.


To make a long story short, it appears that IF YOU HOOK UP THESE CABLES BACKWARDS, THEY WILL SEND AND RECEIVE ETHERNET PACKETS INTO THE PAST. That's right! When the cable were hooked up backwards, every website I visited served content from four days in the past. Few examples: Windows Update tried to install old patches my system already had; visiting the WWW clock website showed the date from four days prior; my Amazon.com account didn't show the cable purchase I just mentioned above; all articles from digg and reddit were four days old; no email that I sent or received within the past four days was being displayed by my email host.

When I switched the cable to be connected properly, I started seeing current website content again. What the heck was going on? The only thing I can figure is that maybe the Denon cables pass electrons at faster than the speed of light, effectively causing them to travel backwards in time.

To see if this was really the case, I switched the cables back again so that they would serve content from the past, and I logged into Amazon and purchased three of these cables. When I received a tracking number from Amazon, I compared it to the tracking number on the package I received, and they were identical! So it turns out that I had been the one who originally sent myself the cables, only I hadn't known it because some weird sort of causality loop caused a time irregularity to spontaneously form. I wonder if this causality loop was somehow caused by someone else who had also hooked up the AKDL1 improperly.


"I installed one of these cables between my gigabit ethernet switch and my Canon Pixma 6700 color printer. I know it's not a sanctioned use, but I was looking for the ultimate in speed and color fidelity. I'm freaky that way. The first time I downloaded a picture to the printer over this cable, the bits moved so fast the printer collapsed into a naked singularity, right there in my office. Since then, I can't find the cat, and my entire set of VAX/VMS 4.7 documentation (DEC Will Rise Again!) (Mmmmm, orangey!) has gone missing. "


Some real pulitzer level candidates there :)
Check out some of the reviews at amazon:
The new cable than unplug itself and started to walk in my room , I hide myself so it wont catch me . But my dog was not so lucky , the cable started to strangle him and killed my dog then the cable eat it like a snake .

I took my axe and cut the cable in two. the cable is dead , my dog too , But i am still alive .
