
New member
Just got myself a TS9DX. To all TS9DX users, how do you use the other modes. According to http://www.analogman.com/ts9dx.htm, the four modes are described as follows:

TS9 : The classic TS9, no modifications.
+ : Grittier than the original TS9.
HOT : Crunchier tone with boosted mids, like a wall of 4 x 12s.
TURBO : Powerful, bottom thick sound, like todays modern/alternative guitarists like.

Personally, I find the TS9 mode really great! Nice overdrives and when I use this setting WITH my modded BD2

Level 9 o clock
Tone 12 o clock
Gain 12 o clock
Clipping: LED

Mode: TS9
Level: 12 o clock
Tone: 12 o clock
Drive: (I can vary it from 9 to max and it doesn't mud up so I have a range of mild to very fierce lead tones coming from it)

The TS9DX works really well with the BD2. I use the LED clipping instead of the GERM on the BD2 for more headroom. It works great with GERM also, Just that have to lower the drives. The BD2 has a transparent nature with a bite factor so it complements the TS9DX as I use it to get my main drive.

Hmm.. but I couldn't really work out any nice settings with the other modes on the TS9DX. I found the midrange in the other modes quite an overkill. At Turbo mode, I was like already playing a bass guitar with all that low end frequencies. Is this the notorious midrange hump of the TS9DX?

Haha.. I wonder how you guys use your TS9DX? (modded/unmodded.. what settings or modes you use?) Or even other Tubescreamers? Talk about them :D
i seldom use my TS9DX, most of the time it's the 808/ TS7.

at all times, my tubescreamers are boosting my amp's default drive.
when I had my ts9dx, modded by Randolf, it was the + mode, drive @ 10 oclock, volume @ unity gain, tone @ 1 - 3 oclock.

Strictly as a booster... well... most of the time.
my Tubescreamer family:

subversion said:
my Tubescreamer family:


you have 2 TS7!. Btw the Ts9 mode in the TS9DX and the org. TS9 sounds the same right?.. wa.. nice tubescreamers collection.. no intention of modding.. i saw the keeley mod for the TS9DX... looks like a real killer..
i'm not into mods- no offence to those who are. i believe in accepting the pedal in its original incarnation, if it needs a mod, it's not good enough to make me buy it. personal this one...

i have 2 TS7, because there are times i use both simutaneously. i was gonna get another TS7 in its original colour but it's offered in green so why not grab one. it's a limited production, not gonna be available perpetually, believe it's good investment.
yup, i understand. to me, mod is ok because it helps improve the pedal while retaining it's org. properties. some people don't even like pedals.. they are like pickups-guitar-amp kind of people.. which is cool also..
dwarfstars said:
some people don't even like pedals.. they are like pickups-guitar-amp kind of people.. which is cool also..

actually, i'm that kinda player, i employ pedals with my small amps only 8)
Also, the TS10:


and the maxon ts's:


All of which have the same basic circuits with a couple of component swaps and some with extra features.

The original ts were made by maxon for ibanez. Maxon is now making some of the models with true bypass too.