torn acl :(


New member
yo everyone. im 18 and i recently had torn my acl due to soccer. and the feeling of not being able to play it is like OH MY GODD!!!! i tried playing basketball and bam. my knee give way. and i tried running and it gave way. i try to get in the car and it also gave in a bit. super sian. lol. just wondering anyone here had surgery? how much and is it painful? and what about ns? what will i be doing there.. or will my leg heal liao. lol. thanks for the sharing in advance! cheers.
I've a torn ACL and meniscus. Not entirely sure to what extent, but I'll soon find out as I'm gonna schedule an MRI.

Have you gone for your MRI?

Oh and get used to it giving way (often and randomly). It's a pain in the arse. Will never heal entirely by itself, you'll have to go for reconstructive surgery OR really go work hard in the gym and strengthen those muscles around your knee.

NS will be slack. I'm C2 L2. BMT will be crazy fun for you.

I too tore 'em while playing soccer.

All the best, bud.
PES C. Excuse IPPT, Excuse RMJ (run march jump)

In NS can chao keng all the time to go for MA (medical appointment) and report sick

Can get free surgery in NS. (Not really free cause it's taxpayer money)

3 months MC (Att C) after surgery

Expect a technician vocation
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i havent gone for an MRI but i went to a specialist and he did some tests. those lachman test. he told me it was definitely fully torn. c2l2. nice man. haha. but still i wouldnt be able to do those fun jungle stuff. hope u recover ur leg too man!

wow. excuse lots of stuff. lol. no run no march no jump.. and free operation!
and still get mc for 3 months... sounds very nice. haha. thanks for the information guys! cleared some of my doubts. thanks!
lol. i tot i posted a reply liao. dno why never. btw. thanks a lot guys. those info helped me quite a lot. i didnt take mri tho. i went to do some test with a few doctors and they said its fully torn and hell i can feel my leg as though it was two parts. the thigh and the calf. ouch. army 3 months mc. excuse rmj. a bit sian oso ar cannot do the normal stuff. but still. shiok not so jialat. haha. thanks again!
I tore my ACL during bmt training and went for the surgery already. Went to AH to do the op then overnight observation. Generally no pain la but at night when the painkiller wear off hong gan liao den must ask nurse come give u jab then can sleep. :) After your surgery must do your physio hor or else your leg will degen 1
PES C. Excuse IPPT, Excuse RMJ (run march jump)

In NS can chao keng all the time to go for MA (medical appointment) and report sick

Can get free surgery in NS. (Not really free cause it's taxpayer money)

3 months MC (Att C) after surgery

Expect a technician vocation

This. And yeh, expect a technician vocation. I'm on course to be a technician now. But my knee gave way, so gonna try get OOC, if possible.
Hi Theiboy,

I torn my acl too due to soccer. That was like in 2001. After my operation , my knee still gave away. However, after listening to my doctor advice. My knee till now did not give any problem at all. Still gave away but only once in the blue moon.

Still actively doing outdoor sports normally.

The advice is to work the muscle around the your knee the calf and especially your hamstring.

Last but not least, put that fear away slowly...


Good luck bro..

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