
slapwalkpop said:
a cheap bass and a huge amp ? you using it or what. 80 watts is mother big

Sorry..typo...meant to type 60watts...I typed it while half asleep JUST before i went to bed after a long day :wink:
if it's for home practice 60 watts is way alot of power .. my church amp is 60 watts and halfway up the volume knob is enough to hear in the room that seats around 200 people ..

of course i'm pushing it way too much . i prefer a cab and a head .. =)
Haha thnx guys.

Haha thnx guys for all the tips. I'm a noobie bassist. I play electric but I thought it'd be nice if I could play both just in case. Hmm I've heard from friends that the bass amp should be at least 3 times the wattage of the electric guitar amp right? My elec's a 40watt tube...
But of course since i don't play the tube at more than 1/3 volume (else i risk deafness) I thought making the bass amp around 1.25 times the wattage would be enough...
So 60 is STILL too much for home practice? I've got my room wired up with soundproofing so I'm not so much concerned with neighbours complaining than me going deaf or being unable to hear the bass when me and my pals jam.
Get a practice amp, a Peavy microbass or something. Your friends lied to you. I own a 100 Watt amp, it's certainly not practice, and i only set it to 15-30% to play at home, any louder i'll get the police knockin at my door, haha.

$300 can get you a low budget bass first hand, or you looking for a intermediate bass second hand perhaps?
Cool. Thnx guys. Yeah i just want a 2nd hand novice bass under $300. Oh and about the amp, did I mention that although I won't actually be gig-ing with it, I would actually be jamming at my house with my friends? So still a smaller wattage or 60 watts just nice?
sixty watt will kill your home. 20 is enough. you'd just be underusing it's power and in otherwordsm, be prolly wasting money.
Nevermind guys..Thnx for all the support...but my dad finally agreed to get me a 1st hand I've got a bass + amp already...thnx again.
Haha...I could do with Bass For Dummies or something though..since i've only been playing electric and acoustic guitars so far >.<