To thefilanthropist

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I dun see the problem here, its a buy/sell forum, theres no limitations of how many times u can posts...hes honest in selling his stuffs to the point of lowering the price...

He posts his Mesa triple rectifier a mth ago i think for sale and it took him quite some time and NUMEROUS postings...and finally sold it off dirt cheap (which i was late...damnit)...and his Phattie kit IS a steal at that price...

I posts my stuffs NUMEROUS times too and am gona post them again...and yes...persistence does pays off....
Guys... Please check out the stuff people are selling before giving mindless comments like "its way too expensive" or "I rather buy a new set" And yes... this is directed at Murderdolls. U basically have no idea what this drums are made off and you are making a fool out of yourself. How long have you been drumming? How much do you know about drums?

I believe you are those drummers that would rather buy a 5 or 7pcs crap kit or something then a great sounding 3pcs kit. Go read up bro before saying foolish things over the forum. Do you expect to buy a top of the range kit for what... $200??? YOU ARE KIDDING ME! This is no shit drumkit you are looking at...

I would have buy it from thefilanthropist if i haven't bought my new kit...

To thefilanthropist, way to go man... keep posting as many times as it takes to get you a buyer... Don't give a shit to those buggers that do not know anything abt drums...
Guys... Please check out the stuff people are selling before giving mindless comments like "its way too expensive" or "I rather buy a new set" And yes... this is directed at Murderdolls. U basically have no idea what this drums are made off and you are making a fool out of yourself. How long have you been drumming? How much do you know about drums?

I believe you are those drummers that would rather buy a 5 or 7pcs crap kit or something then a great sounding 3pcs kit. Go read up bro before saying foolish things over the forum. Do you expect to buy a top of the range kit for what... $200??? YOU ARE KIDDING ME! This is no shit drumkit you are looking at...

I would have buy it from thefilanthropist if i haven't bought my new kit...

To thefilanthropist, way to go man... keep posting as many times as it takes to get you a buyer... Don't give a shit to those buggers that do not know anything abt drums...

Well, some people just think they know alot and just because they have not heard of the name like Phattie means it is some lousy brand.
Frankly speaking, I don't give a damn to people like murderdolls cos he thinks 60 dollars can buy you a good cymbal and kits in his vocabulary can all sound cheap and good and don't think much of expensive kits.

Seriously, he was pissing me off a long time already but I just didn't want to bother typing another flaming message. And yes people can post as many times as they want to AND I can tell you I can memorise what retardrummer is selling her on the post but ANYONE is free to post as many times unless the article is offending.
Well, some people just think they know alot and just because they have not heard of the name like Phattie means it is some lousy brand.

Maybe they think its some kind of Indian food... AKA Prata... I wouldn't pay $1K for a prata though... As for Phattie ITS A STEAL!!!
To quote someone....


instantaneously settles all issues.
now let's shake hands, amke peace with each other and mind our own business

best advice i've heard all day but i guess the thread starter couldn't mind his own business and keep it in his pants.

seriously i don't understand why this has to be an issue in the first there a limit to the number of posts in the Buy/Sell section??let him post how many times he deems fit to post until he gets it sold.that's the whole purpose of the Buy/Sell section isn't it and if you call that spamming allow me to point out to you a couple of other posts in the Buy/Sell section that are indeed spam.

Pedal-itis has repeatedly posted numerous times to sell off his gear. Oh wait..of course it shouldn't annoy you because you only frequent the Drums Buy/Sell section. So thefilanthropist has to stop posting to sell of his drumkit so he can make the Drums Buy/Sell section perfect for you in your perfect little world?There's always a reason why they are persistent to sell and i don't think one of the reason is to purposely annoy you say you're not trying to bash him by starting this thread but i beg to you are trying to garner support from people who might share your annoyance when you could have just voice out your annoyance directly to thefilanthropist himself via pm or to James if it really DOES annoy you and maybe you should try the Ignore function and see how that works out for you but no you have to be a big baby and start a bash thread about how annoying his persistence for selling the phattie drumkit is.if his re-posts are such an eye-sore to you seriously just get over it and move on to the next post.

and one more thing that really bothers me is our brother murderdolls over here en-quote "it's just a bass drum , tom and floor tom and it cost 1000 bucks".yea bummer bro. 3 piece kit for $1000?!what a scam! can it compare to your jet black pearl export kit right?pardon me but do your research first before you ignorantly make a comment about a drumkit since you being a drummer and all or is your knowledge limited only to Pearls?hell i am not even a drummer and i know how much this high end drum kit actually goes for and i can pretty much tell you again, like the rest of us who have been trying to tell you that he's selling it cheap.or maybe u just can't comprehend what having good taste is but of course to each his own.

to thefilanthropist,bro it must be heartbreaking for you to sell it off at that price coz it would for just keep on posting until you finally get it sold.good luck and all the best for your sale bro!
WAIT - is this the same murderdolls who thinks A Custom Crash is *a* custom crash and says that SGD100 is way too much to pay for *a* custom crash in a everyone-flame-murderdolls thread not too long ago.

Or is it the same murderdolls who thinks he can buy a 14inch or 16inch China below SGD25.00 no dent , no crack , no keyholed: Someone should tell him that a dent by itself would cost that much :)

It doesnt take too much to search this forum for some of the ridiculous posts he has made throughout.

I personally did want to avoid posting here in this thread since everyone has a right to their own opinion. I dont think thefilanthropist is wrong to post it repeatedly as he is sincere about selling his kit.

BUT when it comes to murderdolls, it is fair game and it goes to prove an adage: "It is better to keep quiet and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubts".

@murderdolls: It is ok to not know anything about drums. This is a forum for all - beginners and experts alike - but please keep the brash and arrogance away and do some research before commenting. It really shows a lack of maturity on your part. Of course, you can post anything of your own thoughts but it doesnt take much to form an opinion about a person here since the drumming community here is so small and the ones about you, in this post and elsewhere, is just not too flattering on you.

For the record, it is a steal for that price. I sometimes think my skills are not worthy to play on such a good set of drum hardware.

Now, if thefilanthropist is reading this, he should go tag his post on BUY/SELL with this post. It shows everyone what a steal it is already :)
you bump your sales thread, your thread gets locked/deleted. and you get a warning.
you repost your sales, you kena flame till ppl open thread dedicated just for you.

it would be so much better without a buy/sell section right??
Hahaha I had the same problems with selling my pedals too. But I think, as long as it's not in a rush to sell, just keeping it up at a decent price and biding your time is better. The market here isn't that good, so it takes time... I mean, seriously, I bet half the sales that go on involve the same people again and again.

you bump your sales thread, your thread gets locked/deleted. and you get a warning.
you repost your sales, you kena flame till ppl open thread dedicated just for you.

it would be so much better without a buy/sell section right??

Nooooooooo cannot!
i too had problems selling my snare stand but thankfully i managed to find a buyer within a month from my original post. Persistence and lowering of price does help. i would love to buy that kit from thefilantropist. alas, i don't have the dough. i hope u find a buyer thefilantropist or i strike 4D lol. =)
Frankly speaking, I don't give a damn to people like murderdolls cos he thinks 60 dollars can buy you a good cymbal and kits in his vocabulary can all sound cheap and good and don't think much of expensive kits.

Seriously, he was pissing me off a long time already but I just didn't want to bother typing another flaming message. And yes people can post as many times as they want to AND I can tell you I can memorise what retardrummer is selling her on the post but ANYONE is free to post as many times unless the article is offending.

O wells:p
retardedrummer. not retardrummer! hahaha.
omgggg ive been watched by drumsolo:)
AT LEAST U SAID "her", i still get ppl "dude-ing" me.
drumsolo:how come u can memorise what i sell.. haha i shall make something interesting the next time i post!
To quote someone....


instantaneously settles all issues.
now let's shake hands, amke peace with each other and mind our own business

To restate my point:


I've seen people repost their ads so many times. there's nothing wrong with that in my opinion, provided that they don't reopst it everyday or so.
Nike, if you're so pissed about repost of ads, i would suggest that you go argue the moral issues with the reposter. Saves everyone a little bit of trouble, and yourself, your reputation
wow! thefilanthropist posted at least 16 times of the same ad.

That is really an abuse of the Buy/Sell section.

Anyway, if you guys spot any abuse, simply PM me or click on the REPORT button.

* If you really need to, repost the ad after 7 days interval.
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