to buy or not to buy?


New member
i'm eyeing on a fender standard strat for the sweelee sale, but i wonder, should i buy it? i have a JEM JR it's great i love it my wife. should i get a second wife? will chances of ignoring the first one be high?

and what's the difference in playing these 2? i'm not a n00b in playing just dunno much about guitar
Chances are you'll be having an affair.

Well the jem and fender strat both have different tone, amongst other minor differences...
So therefore, you'd have a fun time experimenting.

2x the guitar makes it 2x the fun! (don't think dirty here)

Anyway, if the FEEL is there. BUY! Don't sit around and GAS anymore!

(Gear Aquisition Syndrom)
if you have the spare cash and you want it, just get it, and you probably wont neglect your first wife after you get it
besides, since its going at 50% off, you can easily sell it off at minimal loss, heck you might even make a profit.. thats if you dont like the strat
oh ya hor...ok i must buy it!!!

which strat do u ppl recommend? wat diff between what standard, 60s, highway thingy?
after 15 guitars, i've this to say: if you are gonna invest in subsequent guitars, make sure that it won't get neglected. if it's going to be ignored, why waste your prescious $$$?

your current guitar is an ibanez yes? why not invest in that fender (single coils) so that you have a different tone/ feel to work with? at times, a different guitar will make you play differently/ better & in my case, it helps me think differently... i seldom get blues ideas when playing with my Ibanez, i need my strat to make that happen 8)
tany said:
i'm eyeing on a fender standard strat for the sweelee sale, but i wonder, should i buy it? i have a JEM JR it's great i love it my wife. should i get a second wife? will chances of ignoring the first one be high?

and what's the difference in playing these 2? i'm not a n00b in playing just dunno much about guitar

whens the sale ?
tany said:
oh ya hor...ok i must buy it!!!

which strat do u ppl recommend? wat diff between what standard, 60s, highway thingy?

hmm... i would recommend that u drop by sweelee to test the guitars out first to get a feel of the various different types. perhaps coming from a Ibanez territory, you might prefer some neck profiles over others. Also take note of the 21/22 fret difference. It's just a fret, but say for it, it sure feels a little missing of that fret everytime i play (plus the space between the frets widen up a bit more.)
i went there today...well i plan on getting the american standard strat if possible, the nice color with 22 frets. the rest only have 21 :(