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The MAFIA MC (bassed on a true story)
Alrighto... Alot of ppl want to know why TKS was pissed with the MC. Well here is the reason and actual story..
When we first came into Home Club . The MC called us aside. He said he needed to get some details about the band . So as we were giving our credentials and stuff he cut us off by saying in his fake angry Ang-moh accent.
"i'm not intrested and i'm not bothered in what your band has acheived, i just want to know how do i introduce you guys . You understand ? " He held the stern James Bond look on his face after he said he said that for a good minute. Now that Confused me a little. Doesnt Details involve your acheivements as a band? Coz thats what most people mean rite... But this guy was different. He was one of a kind .
We gave in to him and just let his behaviour pass as we felt maybe his underwear was too tight and giving him problems or something but when we entered to watch the other bands we started to realise that maybe this guy needed some sex. He was calling the crowd names and stuff . We annalysed it and came up with a few reasons.
1.He needs some loving
2.forgot his teddy bear
3.wanted to try his luck for slipknot.
"All you freakin Maggots! Get your rat asses to the front now!! " said the MC in his MIA Telecaster Twanged voice...He was calling the crowd maggots and stuff.. We were baffled as to how he really didnt respect the crowd that came to pay to watch the bands .I do admire his passion as i felt i saw a tear roll down his big cheek when he said that .
So it was our turn to play and we had a friend introduce us . When Ryan Peters told him that we wanted him to intro us as we had a lil wrestling script that Ryan did very well he said , " If you think that you do it better fine take it " and he gave that one minute 'Berak' face again..
When i stepped on stage i kept telling the Sound guy that my mic stand was loose.Sound guy did nothing about it and we couldnt keep the crowd waiting so we started our set with a loose mic stand. Thru the set the micstand gave way and his wireless "Dynamic mic" which was made to withstand minor falls fell..Rite away i moved over the sing on the second mic that was on stage . With the energy that the crowd was giving out we were all feeling psyched. I agree that this was my mistake but i was lost in the moment and i do appolagise if it did piss anyone up.. i told the crowd to come up on stage and dance if they wanted to rock with us .. I really didnt expect it but they rushed up. however, nothing was damaged. We made sure and so did the sensible crowd. The sound guy and bouncers couldnt really control everyone so they shut the power down. But thankfully it was our last song.
After the show the sound guy spoke to us nicely and asked for a favour . which was to come and help him tidy up the stage and we did. WE ARENT SOME FAKE ASS ROCKSTARS WANNABES! WE ARE NICE GUYS!
There comes the MC. Dragging us to a corner and he starts shouting at us. He says .
"Use your brains and grow up you fu*c*ers ! Do you know you Broke the mic . F**ck you all stupid or what huh?!.... bla bla bla "
We tought it was funny because of his face . Number 2 , we kept telling them that the mic stand was loose and they did nothing about it. And the Mic fell before the crowd came up on stage.So why was the MC making us pay for it ? We refused to talk to him as we said he was really rude.But he kept on going "if some one came to your house and thrashed it up would you be happy "
number 1
We didnt thrash the stage
Just coz it was at home club , you dont have to relate everything to our houses..
What pissed us the most was this..
My bassist 'Burp' was in the conversation and his sister came to pass something to Burp . What did he say to her ?
"If you arent the Fu**in convo get our of here and go suck on a cigar!" if you really look at it there is a double meaning
Now that really made our blood boil coz no one should talk to a lady like that . Esp our friends sister whome he doesnt even know. But we didnt wanna do anything stupid as there were two riot police vans just waiting outside . We hurled verbally tough..He then insisted that we trashed the place up but thank god we had video cammed our set (which will be up on youtube soon) and we showed him that the crowd that came above didnt do jack shit.. and we didnt trash the place up ..But he started bringing other faults and stuff calling us names and saying we should grow up .But seriously he is 41yrs old. who should grow up ? his superman T-shirt was tight as hell . He obviously hasnt outgrowned his childhood..
. But theres more to it and i really should get back to work rite now.. We have cleared out with freemansland alot of stuff and eventough we werent made to sell tickets they assured us that they dont make bands pay back for unsold tickets..
Now what we have all been waiting for . The pitcure of the MAFIA .
Why mafia? coz he is a "Middle aged fagard in action"
And if you are Reading this mr MC .. here is TKS big middle finger to you!
side profile (Lallilatha where are you my love i have been waiting in the jungles for you.. HOoooo)
front profile (where is my teddy bear.. i want my mommy)
hahahahah What a joke rite.. 41 years old mind you
thank you crowd all those on stage and off stage we hope we didnt offend anyone.. we'll see you guys at our next gig .And we are in planning the next video called Bhangra rock!
TKS LOVES YOU!! - Thambi-K-Siaow - SG - Southern Rock / Rock clásico / Comedia -
Alrighto... Alot of ppl want to know why TKS was pissed with the MC. Well here is the reason and actual story..
When we first came into Home Club . The MC called us aside. He said he needed to get some details about the band . So as we were giving our credentials and stuff he cut us off by saying in his fake angry Ang-moh accent.
"i'm not intrested and i'm not bothered in what your band has acheived, i just want to know how do i introduce you guys . You understand ? " He held the stern James Bond look on his face after he said he said that for a good minute. Now that Confused me a little. Doesnt Details involve your acheivements as a band? Coz thats what most people mean rite... But this guy was different. He was one of a kind .
We gave in to him and just let his behaviour pass as we felt maybe his underwear was too tight and giving him problems or something but when we entered to watch the other bands we started to realise that maybe this guy needed some sex. He was calling the crowd names and stuff . We annalysed it and came up with a few reasons.
1.He needs some loving
2.forgot his teddy bear
3.wanted to try his luck for slipknot.
"All you freakin Maggots! Get your rat asses to the front now!! " said the MC in his MIA Telecaster Twanged voice...He was calling the crowd maggots and stuff.. We were baffled as to how he really didnt respect the crowd that came to pay to watch the bands .I do admire his passion as i felt i saw a tear roll down his big cheek when he said that .
So it was our turn to play and we had a friend introduce us . When Ryan Peters told him that we wanted him to intro us as we had a lil wrestling script that Ryan did very well he said , " If you think that you do it better fine take it " and he gave that one minute 'Berak' face again..
When i stepped on stage i kept telling the Sound guy that my mic stand was loose.Sound guy did nothing about it and we couldnt keep the crowd waiting so we started our set with a loose mic stand. Thru the set the micstand gave way and his wireless "Dynamic mic" which was made to withstand minor falls fell..Rite away i moved over the sing on the second mic that was on stage . With the energy that the crowd was giving out we were all feeling psyched. I agree that this was my mistake but i was lost in the moment and i do appolagise if it did piss anyone up.. i told the crowd to come up on stage and dance if they wanted to rock with us .. I really didnt expect it but they rushed up. however, nothing was damaged. We made sure and so did the sensible crowd. The sound guy and bouncers couldnt really control everyone so they shut the power down. But thankfully it was our last song.

After the show the sound guy spoke to us nicely and asked for a favour . which was to come and help him tidy up the stage and we did. WE ARENT SOME FAKE ASS ROCKSTARS WANNABES! WE ARE NICE GUYS!
There comes the MC. Dragging us to a corner and he starts shouting at us. He says .
"Use your brains and grow up you fu*c*ers ! Do you know you Broke the mic . F**ck you all stupid or what huh?!.... bla bla bla "
We tought it was funny because of his face . Number 2 , we kept telling them that the mic stand was loose and they did nothing about it. And the Mic fell before the crowd came up on stage.So why was the MC making us pay for it ? We refused to talk to him as we said he was really rude.But he kept on going "if some one came to your house and thrashed it up would you be happy "
number 1
We didnt thrash the stage
Just coz it was at home club , you dont have to relate everything to our houses..
What pissed us the most was this..
My bassist 'Burp' was in the conversation and his sister came to pass something to Burp . What did he say to her ?
"If you arent the Fu**in convo get our of here and go suck on a cigar!" if you really look at it there is a double meaning
Now that really made our blood boil coz no one should talk to a lady like that . Esp our friends sister whome he doesnt even know. But we didnt wanna do anything stupid as there were two riot police vans just waiting outside . We hurled verbally tough..He then insisted that we trashed the place up but thank god we had video cammed our set (which will be up on youtube soon) and we showed him that the crowd that came above didnt do jack shit.. and we didnt trash the place up ..But he started bringing other faults and stuff calling us names and saying we should grow up .But seriously he is 41yrs old. who should grow up ? his superman T-shirt was tight as hell . He obviously hasnt outgrowned his childhood..
. But theres more to it and i really should get back to work rite now.. We have cleared out with freemansland alot of stuff and eventough we werent made to sell tickets they assured us that they dont make bands pay back for unsold tickets..
Now what we have all been waiting for . The pitcure of the MAFIA .
Why mafia? coz he is a "Middle aged fagard in action"
And if you are Reading this mr MC .. here is TKS big middle finger to you!

side profile (Lallilatha where are you my love i have been waiting in the jungles for you.. HOoooo)

front profile (where is my teddy bear.. i want my mommy)
hahahahah What a joke rite.. 41 years old mind you
thank you crowd all those on stage and off stage we hope we didnt offend anyone.. we'll see you guys at our next gig .And we are in planning the next video called Bhangra rock!
TKS LOVES YOU!! - Thambi-K-Siaow - SG - Southern Rock / Rock clásico / Comedia -
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