tips on playing fast rolls?


New member
hi guys,

im having trouble playing some songs at fast tempo, 'cos during the rolls, it'll be like 16th notes single stroke around the kit, but i cant catch up with the tempo, and it'll end up being messed up and not uniform. uh get the picture..?

so other than the age old advice of playing it slow and then increasing 4bpm at a time, are there other tips that can help? i've realised that when i play the rolls, my wrists tend to stiffen up, and if i force myself to try to relax, i play the rolls better half the time..
A practice pad . :D

keep doing rolls whenever you're free , make yourself get used to doing rolls . sometimes it's because your RLRLRLRLRLRL or whatever , ends up having flams or flat (i forgot what) , together at the same time . yes , in other word , uneven .

so you just got to practice . try to do RLRL on the bottom of the pad , then quickly move to the top for the next RLRL . repeat repeat and repeat . or RLRLRLRL , bottom , RLRLRLRL top . whatever you want .

or maybe you're over excited . :D don't know if it happens to other drummer though . sometimes when you get too "pumped up" you tend to do the fills extremely fast to make yourself proud and feel so "world-top-drummer" , but actually you're missing the whole point .

so , the important thing after all that i've said is .


hahaha . good luck bro , a practice pad and lots of patience really helps . :)
yea do rolls whenever u are free, and i mean whenever u are free! xD

Wad i did last time was i try to let my pen bounce when i hit the table ( the feel of a double stroke roll or smth) in class during lesson xD so as time passes u will get the feel of the roll in ur muscle memory, making it alot easier to roll =D

Hope this helps =) to roll u dun realli nid sticks, juz anyting that is straight ( and long enuff to hold) and a surface that can allow rebound =)
yah once in a while in my rolls, some of the notes will end up hitting at the same time.. hmm but other than just practicing right, are there other things i should take note of? like the height of my wrist, height of the stick rebound, etc?
for uneven, take note of the height at which ur stick rebound. both sticks shud rebound at around the same height, so that as time pass the 2 doesnt land tgt. a good height to try would be ard 10-15cm, dun hv to be exact but around there xD
"Wad i did last time was i try to let my pen bounce when i hit the table ( the feel of a double stroke roll or smth) in class during lesson xD so as time passes u will get the feel of the roll in ur muscle memory, making it alot easier to roll =D"

HAHAHA . i totally know what you mean . i annoyed almost my whole class with me hitting books to table to window grills . even during exams my feet would "double pedalling" without me being aware . :D
Yeah. I have this problem as well. I've been trying to do fast rolls on the drum kit but not in time with the metronome beat.

Magnimas: Regarding the rebound issue, I realise that the snare drum will give the best rebound & not the toms. So I was really wondering how those fast drummers can really do fast rolls around their kit effortlessly.
:O thanks for the information, will take note x)

regarding the wrist comment though, i didn't say my wrists hurt.. and, are you really supposed to not use wrists, only fingers, when you do rolls around the set? i've seen ppl do that for fast rolls on the snare, but around the kit, it feels unnatural..
after watching a bit from that dvd you recommended, im starting to get the idea of finger control.. yea it really was my wrong technique that's at fault, had always been using wrists only to play, and only now discover how to use fingers for the rebound..

thanks for the dvd intro..!